• 9/5/2024, I won't be buying fast food anymore. Not just because of the health risks, but the last time I went to a burger joint was sometime in May 2024. Before the 2020 pandemic, $5.99-$6.99 is what I would pay. Back in May of this year, $11.99 was my bill. I'm like, how expensive. And not only that, the burgers are not as described like the menu pictures, the wait time to get your order can take over 10 minutes, the workers are rude when they screw up your order, and the managers don't seem to care about the customers. I have slowed down to not buying any fast food. Instead, I am buying more groceries. In 3 months, me and my family have saved $900 from not buying fast food. Anyone who is addicted to fast food, then Bon Appetit. 😏

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