• No in its day the Brtitsh empire conqured countrys and won wars . Has the USA won a war in the last 60 years? Most of your allies have no respect for the USA nowdays.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! 60 years does not build up in US history. As of today on 8/7/2024, the US is 248 years old. Going through history, the US gained control of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington from Canada, while Canada tried to dispute territory along the Alaska Panhandle and lost. The US also took the Southwest from Mexico. Hawaii also became a state. The US controls American Samoa. Puerto Rico has been part of the US for 100+ years, although it is an unincorporated territory. El Salvador's currency is US dollar, and to top it off, the US has military bases all over the world. What else do you want to know? If most of the US's allies have no respect for the USA, then why come crying to the Big Daddy - the US for support? That goes for Australia in which the the Imperial Japanese Navy in WW2 proposed invading Australia. Thanks to the US, you as an Australian are free to express your opinions.
    • 11stevo73
      We all know when it matters the USA is nothing and they will run out on Australia when China decide they want the farm. How long until the US is thrown out of Africa? Corpo scum owns and runs your country the same as mine. You control your allies by giveing them money for millitry unlimited support .
    • 11stevo73
      We have gone to every war have ever asked us to goto have we not?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You sound like you hate the US. I don't care if you do or not. I'm looking for a Yes or No answer regarding the subject. Whether it is a Yes or No, I still respect the answer. But since you question the US's potential, moreover, the US has global leadership in the political and military spheres. The USA is nothing? Don't forget, the US is a "leading global arms seller." Also, the US is moving forward with plans to increase the number of American forces and capabilities in Australia. History cannot be erased, even as it is repeating itself.
    • 11stevo73
      I love your people dont like your goverment dont like my own goverment eirther, Be a realist do you want to goto war with China?
    • 11stevo73
      As the traitors in my own goverment selling the country to china. Darwin Port who owns that? Australia will be taken from with in one day the languge will change I think.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      On going to war against China, note that every empire has had its fall. The US does not see itself as an empire. Technically, an empire is a nation that has conquered many lands and controls many territories, precisely as I described above how the US fits the description. The US is not an eternal nation. The New World Order is ruled by global corporations. It should not be a surprise why Russia and China have declared a Cold War against the US and NATO: Russian nuclear-powered submarines in Cuba is saying there will be new empires that will take over the world.

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