• I saw a video recently that had a black preacher explaining "what is a woman" for those who are confused these days. He said Yo MAMA is a woman, and yo daddy is not! All this "cisgender" stuff is just a way to try and normalize deviance, IMHO. 8/1/24
    • Creamcrackered
      Yeah I saw that
    • Creamcrackered
    • dalcocono
      Lol! That's funny!
  • They are not acting in the best interest of Women, and as a woman, I find the whole thing not only disgusting, disturbing and insulting, but bloody dangerous. There's no way I'm partaking in this insanity or bending to accomodate it. Protect your children from this sick agenda, and remember who's running this system, people who support and accomodate the likes of Jimmy Saville, Ted Heath, Epstein, and more, members of royalty of the justice system, the police, politicians, mental health, and medical community, entertainment, and film industry, nonces and perverts. The Androgynous agenda The maternal, Aphrodite, the male Hermes, the synthesis = Hermaphrodite. (Baphomet). For men thinking of surgery

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