• No how many people have you ever seen fly? theres too much BS in this world.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! Paratroopers. :)
    • 11stevo73
      Paratroopers arent flying they are falling towards the ground.have you ever seen a Paratrooper take off from the ground?
    • 11stevo73
      My definition of a super hero maybe corrupted by unrealist expectations.from Cartoons
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Yes, I was watching Band of Brothers (2001) miniseries. Here are the paratroopers landing on D-Day: It takes a lot of courage to get on military planes, get flown away to enemy territories and then jump off, landing like super heroes with an objective to destroy the enemy. I'm not talking about cartoons. This is my interpretation of super heroes existing in the real world. If you want to base your whole views that *one must fly off the ground* to be called a super hero, then Batman doesn't fly.

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