• If you need a solution to a problem with yourself, or with a loved one, see a wise man. If you need a solution to a problem with a rival "business associate," see a wise guy.
  • It's a lot like the difference between a smart a** and a dumb a**.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Someone once explained to me that one's a**-IQ is less than or equal to their brain-IQ.
  • "Wise guy" and "wise man" are similar in meaning, but they are not exactly the same."Wise guy" is often used to describe someone who is clever or cunning, but in a negative way. It can also be used to describe someone who is a smart aleck or a know-it-all."Wise man" is used to describe someone who is wise or intelligent, but in a positive way. It is often used to describe someone who is respected for their knowledge and experience.In short, "wise guy" is more often used in a negative context, while "wise man" is more often used in a positive context.

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