• No, I can't tell you, it's top secret. Anyway, I declassified them.
  • (Shaking head) I can't believe people are still on a witch hunt against Donald Trump - especially when they have no reason to hate him other than they were told to. Does a Liberal exist who can think for himself?
    • Army Veteran
      Interesting how the Donald Trump saga began with ridicule, turned into hate, evolved into a witch hunt using one scandal after another in an effort to try and charge him for (((something))), violating his Constitutional rights (and the rights of others associated with him) by illegally raiding his home, and then, in the end, it all comes full-circle. It's back to ridicule. You, people, are amazing. You turn your heads away and ignore the trainwreck that Joe Biden has caused in his efforts to destroy this country worse than what the Versailles Treaty did to Germany, as you entertain yourselves by going after a private citizen to impeach. I've called this place a 3rd-grade discussion group a couple of times - perhaps I was giving you people more credit than you deserve.
    • Linda Joy
      You're the only one who mentioned Trump. Maybe YOU need to get over it.
    • Army Veteran
      "Classified documents" - gee, I wonder what could have possibly triggered my thought process... ¶ You may be able to shrug your shoulders and say, "Que Sera Sera - Let's just let bygones be bygones", but I don't abandon my principles. ¶ You apparently "got over it" too soon.
    • Linda Joy
      I don't abandon my principles either, and I resent that you insinuated that I do. I'd like you to find one incidence in the almost 6 years that I've been here where there is one single incidence of me abandoning my principles!! And what makes you the authority of when anyone "should" get over anything? I was just pointing out that you are the only one in this thread prolonging the rhetoric. But you crave the contention so badly you will turn anything into an argument just so you can perceive yourself the winner of the argument. So, tell me... what do you win? What did you accomplish? Did you secure the documents? Did you prosecute anyone? No. You didn't do jack but run your mouth, just like the dems.
    • Army Veteran
      ...And I was trying really hard to get along with you. Who pulled your chain? What triggered you this time - did my mention of a 3rd-grade discussion group offend you again? Sorry if that's a sore spot for you. I'll be sure to use it more often.
    • Vampire Of My Own Heart
      Stop reflecting on the past, it's behind us now and just take it as good humor as you see all others doing here. There are no enemies here.
    • Army Veteran
      "Reflecting on the past"? Nothing is "behind us". You Liberals spent over 5 years persecuting Trump, looking for any excuse to impeach him and disqualify him from running again. It's only been 2 years since Biden cheated his way into the White House. Putting things "in the past" seems quite agreeable to those who want to sweep everything under the rug when the political landscape favors them. I don't find any of it as "good humor".
    • Vampire Of My Own Heart
      Give it time. No matter what experiences occur in life and feelings humans carry, people always move on. Whether its anger, disappointment or slow decay of time, it too will come to pass.
  • Just a few. 🤫
  • Yes, actually. They are discharge papers from the hospital. For my eyes only! I thought that was a little extreme when I saw it written on there, but who am I to say? You wanna see 'em? I don't care!!
  • I'm not telling if there's classified docs in my possession.
  • There are lots of instances when having classified documents in a private home might not be as ridiculous as it sounds. It depends on the nature of the information and the nature of the home. Something like leaving the nuclear launch codes in your pocket is a totally different level of whoopsie than having a computer file with some basic research you did yourself that you sent to an agency that was later classified.
  • I have a telephone book that has classified ads in it.

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