• I'll share a story with you... One time when I was a youngster... I wanted to get sick, so I didn't have to go to school... Well, paybacks are a bitch.... I stuck my hands on a cold Winter's day and wow did I pay... I caught a cold so bad that my eyes watered and nose ran and wow I would never pull that trick again.
  • People don't catch cold from the cold weather. Colds are spread due to the human behavior during cold weather. Did you do any research before posting this question? P.S. Watch your language!!
    • Je'sean
      I actually meant to say Virus
  • You made an outstanding observation: your question implies that colds are not caught by cold weather, but then go on to say that colds are caused by cold weather. ¶ Cold weather lowers the body's core temperature which in turn compromises the immune system. This is how cold viruses can get in.
    • Je'sean
      I meant to say virus
    • Army Veteran
      Fair enough. We've all been there.
  • Colds are more common in winter. They are caused by viruses, and spread in hand-to-hand contact with someone who has a cold or by touching contaminated objects.
  • That's what our elders taught us when we were young. That, and cold and flu season is during the cold winter months too. 12/17/22

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