• Added: note that reputable (read: unbiased) organization fivethirtyeight, which uses computer models to predict elections, predicts that Republicans will definitely control the house and are SLIGHTLY likely to win control of the Senate (i.e. could go either way, but Republicans are slightly more likely than Democrats to gain control). Note that fivethirtyeight has been "bashed" by both Dems and Reps at various times for being biased in favor of the opposing party, which is a pretty sure sign that they really are UNbiased. *** ORIGINAL ANSWER: That seems VERY likely to me. Why? The recession (even though they still aren't calling it that) is hitting most people pretty hard. Economy is the #1 vote-swayer in the U.S., and the typical voter is very unsatisfied with the direction the economy has gone since Democrats have been in power. Because of the state of the economy, all Republican candidates have to do to win in a not-die-hard-Democrat constituency is promise to undo what Democrats have done to the economy and inflation...AND to not be involved in any serious scandal. Whether Republicans will gain control of the Senate is difficult to say (and very important, as far as which party controls Congress).
    • Army Veteran
      At this point, I am open-minded about 538. They have a history of being associated with the Liberal side of politics - ie, New York Times, ESPN, ABC, and Disney. This doesn't mean I think their polls lean one direction or the other - as I said, I'm open-minded for the moment. But I don't fully trust anyone with Liberal dust on their shoes.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • You bet your sneakers they will.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • We have no way of telling. Polling isn't possible because people don't answer the telephone anymore if it isn't somebody they know. Also, most people hang up on robocalls.
    • Army Veteran
      LOL. Sweating are we?
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for comment :)
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      What I want to know is why Abortion Hypocrite and Wife-beater Hershel Walker got half of Georgia to vote for him? Tell me please AV.
  • Even after the voting ends its too close to call.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for comment :)

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