• No, I'd get rid of YOU!
    • ★Stevo
      You wouldn't you have no money. You would be the same as her to addictted to spending mine Im rarely home.
    • ★Stevo
      She tells me all the time shes putting me on the used husband rack
  • I think your wife should throw you out. You seem rather immature to me. You sound like a selfish pig.
    • ★Stevo
      Its her farm she has many times
  • By "wife" do you mean the fellow human being that you are partnering with in life? Not?? That is absolutely the most ridiculous description of a marriage (of 4 years yet) that I've heard of recently. Are you 13 years old? You sure sound like it. The parting shot of her last departure with the dog is the suitable punctuation to this "marriage".
    • ★Stevo
      don't yopu clewn up after your filty dog?
    • notyouraveragedummy
      Don't have no dog, filty or otherwise.
    • ★Stevo
      You don't have a dog why did you comment - pathetic woman.
    • ★Stevo
      I didn't mary a blimp .
    • notyouraveragedummy
      Your post was not about a dog, it was about marriage and misogyny.
    • Linda Joy
      Its under the category weight loss/diet
  • My guess she is unhappy in her life with you.
    • ★Stevo
      shes happy why do you say shes not?

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