• (1) Where is the electricty supplying your home generated? - Earth (2) How much do you pay per kw/hour? Hmmm...looking at the last bill, it looks like (if I'm reading the bill right) a little less than 10 cents per kwh. (3) Aproxamately how much electricty (kwh) do you use perday? - I, personally, probably use extremely little, although (of course) more in Summer months. Back when I had my own apt (about 6 years ago) I had about $40 electric bills in Winter and $80-90 in Summer.
    • ★Stevo
      I pay 28 au cents per kwh about $300 every 3 months
  • The electricity that supplies my home is generated at a plant that uses fossil fuels (imagine that...) As per the cost, my bill is included with my rent. Just because I don't pay for it doesn't mean I use as much as I want. It still has to be paid whether it's by me or someone else, so I keep the cost down as much as possible. That's probably why after 7 years I'm still not getting a bill.
    • ★Stevo
      type of fuel? What sort of mining they do to extract it? Brown coal mined via a dirty big open cut mines happen here. My electricty bill has about doubled in the last 7 years I use less electricty now than 7 years ago as I rewired the house and put energy effiectet lights in everywhere and got rid of the airconditioner the useage is less but the bill is more.
    • Army Veteran
      "Type" of fuel makes no difference. Fossil fuel is fossil fuel - and it drives Liberals crazy when you point out how it's needed to make their "clean green" fuel. Yes, I know about wind farms and hydroelectric sources - but those don't work very well without fossil fuel support.
    • ★Stevo
      you haven't said how much power you use, or where its generated the only thing I was interested in.
    • Army Veteran
      If you want to get into the minute details, I have no idea how much power I use - as stated already, it is included in my rent. As for (((where))) it comes from, it's produced by a hydroelectric generator. Which can't operate without fossil fuels. Take away the fossil fuels and you're looking at the equivalent of a dead battery. If you want more detail than that, I suppose I could look up the address (LOL - like that's ever going to happen...).
    • ★Stevo
      Hydropower fossil fuels ? I couldn't careless where you live as if Im going to visit a boarding house.
    • Army Veteran
      "Hydropower" that wouldn't be possible without fossil fuels. Geez, dude - I can't break it down any simpler than that for you.
  • The electricity supplying your home is generated from a variety of sources, which depend largely on your location and the infrastructure of the local utility provider. It can come from coal, natural gas, nuclear power, hydroelectric dams, wind turbines, solar panels, or a mix of these. Many utility companies publish detailed information about their energy generation mix, which you can find on their website or on your electricity bill. Some areas rely heavily on renewable energy, while others may still depend on fossil fuels or nuclear power for the majority of their electricity generation. The cost you pay per kilowatt-hour (kWh) also depends on your location, energy provider, and usage patterns. In the United States, the average cost is generally between $0.10 and $0.30 per kWh, while in Europe, the cost tends to be higher, ranging from €0.20 to €0.50 per kWh. To find your specific rate, you can check your electricity bill, where the cost per kWh is usually listed under terms like “energy charge” or “electricity rate.” Your daily electricity consumption is determined by the size of your household, the types of appliances you use, and your energy habits. The electricity forum offers a variety of online courses. You can get a discount if you sign up and apply for a coupon, so please refer to the following link. In addition, articles and information related to electricity are uploaded. ,
    • ★Stevo
      Your house was what I was interested in? You didn't answer the question would you like to buy a bridge?
  • Me, specifically? I have two banks of solar panels, but those barely work. Vermont shut down its one power plant, so our power comes from Canada and Massachusetts, and a tiny bit from local hydroelectric plants.

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