• At this point, I'm not sure that anyone can make COVID go away. Even China, which has a relatively ruthless government taking aggressive measures to stamp out the disease, is having a terrible time with it.
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • No, because too many Liberals have been infused with the idea that it was real in the first place. Even after restrictions have been lowered, you still see them walking around in stores with their masks on. COVID was not real - it was contrived to discredit Trump in his last year after scandals and a premeditated impeachment failed to take him out. The so-called "pandemic" was an excuse to scare people into staying away from the voting booths so Democrats could justify flooding the election with easily tampered-with mail-in voting. Biden lost the election and everyone knows it - there are too many "markers" that prove it. And with the video coming out soon called "2000 Mules" there will be video proof of ballot-box stuffing as well as confessions from those who did it. Here's a trailer for the video:
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • OMG~No. It was their lack of understanding of the disease that caused so many people to die.
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • No, Covid isn't party bias, it's here and will either get weaker with time, and become like the flu, or we will continue to have different strains.
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • It will take the WEF to die to end covid. How did the vax work out for all of the sheep? How am I still alive unvaxxed? It doesn't matter which party is in power the WEF owns them all. Do you really think which president you have matters that much if Trump was honest why didn't he clear the swamp last time?
    • Army Veteran
      Apparently, you never heard about the promises by the Left to impeach him before he even won the election. Then there was the Russian collusion scandal - then Ukraine (remember the quid pro quo phone call?). Then came COVID and the damage it did to Trump's economy. It's really hard to "drain the swamp" when you're spending every waking minute defending yourself against false accusations and you have no one to depend on. Just having an "R" next to your name doesn't guarantee allegiance, as Trump so painfully found out in the end when even his "own" party was stabbing him in the back. You're spending too much time watching Liberal media.
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • I agree with Creamcrackered. Viruses are not party biased. Hopefully we have all learned how to do better. Its not like any of us had been through a pandemic, though we have learned from history.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)

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