• No hes too old , I don't like the way he umms and ahhs as he stumbles thru his speeches angrily pointing his finger or punching air, hardly making any sense at times. Even if he was saying something good he still sounds like a whinging whining old snake.
  • Let's Go Brandon!
  • Never met 'im.
    • Army Veteran
      Why don't you just say "Yes" and dispense with the feigned "Politics? I never really got into that sort of thing..." cop-out. (snickering)
      Because "Yes" is not a correct answer. Neither is "No".
  • I like this question - driving for a direct answer. I'm curious to see how many say "yes - I think he's doing a good job.". As for me, I think he's pond scum. He and Kammie probably go into one of the first dark corners of the White House basement and sniff each other's skid marks at night.
    • Army Veteran
      So...DP. Where's * YOUR * answer? ( ???)
  • He has done a lot for the underdog. I like him since he cares about people.
    • 11stevo73
      Name one thing he has done for the underdog? What exactly are you talking about?
  • im in australia so i cant really say
  • Meh! He can't string a sentence together, he can't walk up air-force one steps without falling, he farts in front of other leaders, he likes sniffing women and children. He forgets himself...a lot. He thinks he is Obama, or wishes, as that's all he talks about. He comes across as incompetent. But his memes are quite funny, I didn't think he'd give us so much material, that could go on his CV, "Trueinternationalunderpressure!"
  • I’m not American but from what I’ve seen and heard about Biden on the news, I think he is a decent president. Some people may think he is too old to be president but his age doesn’t matter. What matters is that he cares for the people and to make the right choices. I think he is doing the right thing on how to handle the situation in the Ukraine if you read or see about it in the news.

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