No. I won't get the vaccine. There have been deaths associated with it that aren't being reported.
Thanks yes I believe this is true -
Charin Cross
couldn't agree with you more 1465. I survived covid and I'm relying on my own antibodies. messenger RNA vaccines are too new and unproven. It would be just my luck to be one of the ones who has a fatal adverse reaction to it. I never push my luck.
Why shouldn't I? I want the pandemic to end. The only way to do that is with vaccine. The limited amount of freedom we have is because of vaccine. Vaccine works. It isn't a "democratic hoax" lolπ BTW the people who don't want to get vaxed are chosing to get sick because not getting vaccine leads to that.
Thank you
J&J is a one-dose vaccine. There would be no need to mix. Moderna and Pfizer are both two-dose vaccines of a similar type (a type different from the J&J vaccine). I would not "mix" them unless assured by a physician that it was both beneficial and not dangerous to do so.
Yes I agree with you
I haven't had the vaccine due to having a history of allergic reactions that have put me in hospital. I don't like the idea of it to be honest, especially when you are mixing experimental vaccines, from speaking to my family, they want to stick to what they originally had, and I can understand why if they've not had any significant reaction to it.
Thanks for your comment :) -
No worries, I hope you are well :)
REUTERS Fact Check: "There is no evidence that the deaths reported to VAERS after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine are caused by the vaccine. Healthcare providers are required to report any death after vaccination to VAERS." COMPARE this with the requirement to report every death associated with pneumonia and influenza and other health issues as COVID-related at the height of the pandemic. This is how they kept the totals high and the Pandemic going. Now they want to distance themselves from any deaths that are connected with COVID. And many healthcare providers do NOT report to VAERS.
Thanks for your comment :)
Yes but I would try to have the same type as I has before. BTW-Getting my 3rd Moderna shot today 10/25/2021
Thanks for your comment :)
I saw an interesting video on Facebook recently that might make some think twice about getting the vaccine.
Thanks for your comment :)
No, I had no reaction to the moderna series of 2 shots, so I will wait to get the moderna booster instead of taking a chance on a reaction to a different one.
No, I'm not allowed to get any kind of Covid vaccine (due to), my religious beliefs.
You'd be a fucken idiot if you did that.
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