• You have a huge TINFOIL HAT Club inside American republicans and conservatives. Many of them think it's all a hoax. Which is why our hospitals everywhere are full of unvaccinated people who are dying. Natural Selection is the biggest enemy of Stupid -- and it's proving out again. Just sit back and watch. Sometimes you can't cure stupid and you need to let it run its course. It shouldn't surprise you that 40% of all COVID hospitalizations in America right now are in TX and FL. .... “In the past week, Florida has had more COVID-19 cases than all 30 states wth the lowest case rates, combined,” Zients said. “Florida and Texas alone have accounted for nearly 40% of hospitalizations across the country.” Just look at the two morons running those two states.
    • Army Veteran
      "It shouldn't surprise you that 40% of all COVID hospitalizations in America right now are in TX and FL." - And it shouldn't surprise you that TX and FL are being overrun with unvaccinated illegals due to Biden's "open border" policy. Look at the morons in the White House.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      No Comrade. That is a lie. If there were illegal they couldn't get insurance and they'd get kicked out. Vaccinations are free to illegals which means they will get them because they don't want to wind up in the hospital and then jail you nimwit. lol
    • OrangeDonRump
      "No Comrade. That is a lie." -- Of course it is! He's the President of the TINFOIL HAT Club. Lives in a fantasy World of conspiracy theories and utter nonsense.
    • Army Veteran
      (Shaking head). You Liberal ticks are like puppies that pee on the floor. Scolding them and taking them outside does no good - they'll keep doing it and then look at you as if to ask, "what did I do wrong"? Denial is no substitute for intelligence, and you people are prime examples.
    • OrangeDonRump
      "Denial is no substitute for intelligence" - LOL!! The pro-Horse-medicine, tinfoil hat wearer, conspiracy, no-proof twilly... talking about someone else's intelligence. And yet, he can't even follow the basic tenet of his own little quip that he has put here for others... the irony!
    • OrangeDonRump
      "like puppies that pee on the floor." The bigger problem is, 1465, that people like you are very likely to dance around the puppy's pee on the floor, scoop it up into a test-tube, and tell people to inject it, because it will cure COVID.
    • Creamcrackered
      Texas has one of the largest populations with 29.2 million, of which 14% have had Covid, 0.2% of the population of Texas have died from Covid. 13.4% of the US population have had covid, and 0.2% of the overall population of the US have died from Covid. According to the CDC they state that 85% of the US population have immunity showing that they had already had covid before the rise of the delta variant. The numbers are there you can do the percentages for yourself. Fact is most people who have caught covid have not died from it. Even when vaccinated you can still catch Covid, and transmit Covid. Covid is here to stay, and whether you survive it or not will depend on comorbidities (health), age, and vaccination. Before and after the Covid vaccine, the largest percentage of the population will catch Covid and not die from it. This is subject to change if the disease mutates into something more sinister. People need to stop bullying others in a herd mentality in all of this, people make their own choices as to what happens to their own bodies in this, whether they choose to risk catching covid and letting their own immunity fight it, or choose the vaccine, either way this is something we will be learning to live with.
    • Creamcrackered
      And Chicagoan you are sounding more like Hitler and Darwin everyday, "Natural Selection is the biggest enemy of Stupid -- and it's proving out again. Just sit back and watch. Sometimes you can't cure stupid and you need to let it run its course." That is a similar quote from the Nazi propaganda Opfer der vergangenheit 1937, which was for letting the mentally ill, and infirm die, and Darwin made his thoughts clear on what he thought of the lower classes, and what he deemed the less intellectual people with his fellow members of the X-club, just like you, he actually held more to this theorem, than to the known “survival of the fittest being due to those who were physically fitter,” and as a result of this he ironically interbred with the Wedgwoods leading to three of ten of his children dying before the age of ten. So from your opinions I'm gathering in your mind those who opt for the vaccine are more likely to survive Covid, than those who catch Covid and allow their own immunity to fight it? But either way, congratulations you’re becoming more eugenicist every day. Reminds me of the Dark Knight films, Heath Ledger as the Joker “See their morals, their code, it’s a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble, they’re only as good as the world allows them to be, I’ll show you, when the chips are down, these “civilised people,” they’ll eat each other.”
  • NUMBERS WISE, we have 66 million people in the UK, 7, 900, 680 cases to date, 136,953 deaths in total, which is 0.2% of the UK population and nearly 12% of the population have had covid.. The uptake of the vaccine nearly 45 million. There are 30,439 daily testing positive, 242,005 in the last 7 days. Hence, many hospital admissions are now vaccinated, but which is still very low. But as you can see the numbers of cases are high, but the number of deaths are low, which shows that most people have not died from catching covid. IN RELATON TO THE US Quote "The CDC reports that more than 83 % of Americans had COVID-19 antibodies before the surge of the Delta variant began. As of July 29, 2021, 49.4 percent of the total U.S. population has been fully vaccinated. The U.S. has so far reported 628,772 covid deaths and 35,641,257 covid cases. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that more than 10 percent (10.7 percent) of the U.S. population of 333 million+ has had a positive covid test result. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting covid-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate. Reporting these numbers in a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues. “Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new covid-19 cases emerge over time — a crucial metric to help control outbreaks. Antibody tests can’t diagnose an active covid-19 infection, rather they show evidence of past infections or they can also show immunity. Herd immunity happens when enough of a population achieves immunity through prior infection or vaccination so that the disease cannot spread from person to person. The percentage of the population that must have immunity depends on how contagious the disease is." NUMBERS WISE 0.2% of the US POPULATION has DIED OF COVID. There are according to the world atlas 331,883,986 people in the US, of those 44,518,437 are reported as having had covid, which is 13.4% of Americans have had Covid. In Texas there are 29.2 million in Texas, a total of 14% have had covid, and 0.2% of their population have died of covid.
  • "Watching Fake News to learn about facts is like watching Green Acres to learn about farming." - How many times has the direction of COVID changed? It's "masks" one day, then "no masks", then "two masks" - there is no consistency about any of this other than claims of ever-increasing cases. The COVID totals are being manufactured by the CDC and propagandized by the media. The CDC uses statistics of non-COVID illnesses to artificially boost the daily totals. If a person has a fever, it gets counted as COVID simply because a fever is one of the possible symptoms of COVID. If they die of COPD - again, it gets recorded as COVID. The Biden administration is trying to keep the COVID pandemic going so that he can force government control on the citizens. That's why he has open borders with no vaccination requirements for illegals. He wants as many COVID cases coming into the country as possible so that the mandates are never lifted and the Democrats stay in power. Covid is nowhere near as severe as is being told by the media and the Liberal clowns in the Biden administration.
  • There are very cruel and sadistic people out there who have spread the rumor that the vaccine causes birth defects. That is why people are hesitant. This theory has been thoroughly debunked but because of the thalidomide scandal it persists. 😓
    • OrangeDonRump
      The Conspiracy Morons. We have more than a few of them who lurk around on this site, whining about their NO PROOF nonsense.
    • Army Veteran
      "Cruel and sadistic"? "spreading rumors" is "cruel and sadistic"? LOL. I'll tell you what's "cruel and sadistic" - financing and unleashing a biological weapon against your own people is "cruel and sadistic". Supporting the guilty party by denying the truth is "cruel and sadistic". Wanting to censor people who disagree with your own views is "cruel and sadistic". What do you know about "cruel and sadistic"?

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