• I think mainly they say that because there are literally millions of people residing in the country who have no legal right to vote in American elections. That is a right that is supposed to be reserved to citizens only. Some state and local elections are now allowing undocumented residents to vote.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
    • Army Veteran
      Mail-in voting was a bad idea - it was rife with vulnerabilities that allowed cheating. The voting process is supposed to be one of the most secure processes in the country. But with the Liberal-sponsored COVID-19 pandemic, it created planned social distancing mandates designed to prevent people from voting in person through a secure process. A state is only allowed to set mandates for a maximum of 30 days - which began in April of 2020. From there, they were extended every month **ILLEGALLY** through November (not surprisingly) and beyond to allow mail-in voting which is the least secure process ever. It invited tampering with ballots and other fraudulent ways of cheating on the election - there is nothing secure about the USPS. Even **THEY** warn against sending large amounts of cash in the mail, and yet, we're supposed to believe they can be trusted to deliver the mail securely and on time. Shall we go back and see how many times sacks of mail were discovered in dumpsters or on the side of the road? Biden had no attendance at any of his rallies and yet, we're expected to believe that he was so popular that he won in a landslide. This is not only wrong, but it's totally illogical. Even today, those states that committed voter fraud are trying to stop the audits - why would they want to stop them if they won legitimately? What are they afraid of? Their actions speak for themselves.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment well appreciated
    • Army Veteran
      "Everyone" is NOT entitled to vote. Only legal US citizens are allowed to vote. You can't go to another country and vote in their elections, and they can't come to the US and vote unless they're legal citizens. And this means applying for and being granted citizenship.
  • Only the loser says that.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
    • Victorine
      Removed by poster owing to accidental duplication.
  • [[ I believe everyone is entitled to voting ]] SO: should all adults in China be allowed to vote in U.S. mail-in vote? How about children? How about Russian agents temporarily residing in the U.S.? etc. POINTS: #1 - You ought to word the question more carefully. #2 - You ought to consider the (intentional, planned, organized) impact on our elections by foreign governments if voting in the U.S. is unrestricted.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Wow. I guess English isn't your first language.
  • "Voter fraud" is code for "My candidate didn't win, therefore someone cheated." No one has ever found evidence of massive fraud, or fake ballots being counted, or busloads of illegal immigrants showing up to vote. Anyone who has ever worked an election knows how many safeguards there are to make sure that every vote comes from a registered voter. No, non-citizens can't just walk into a polling place and vote, despite the ridiculous lies being spread by certain groups. The only instances of fraud found in the 2020 election have all been cases in which Republicans voted twice, and that's still just a handful.
    • DancesWithWolves
    • Victorine
      This is NOT a nonsense comment. It doesn't meet the definition for reporting "nonsense". It's intelligent, factual, and sensible. However you, Dances, are reported for misusing the reporting function.
  • Because it happens. And most likely in every election. Even one fraudulent vote is voter fraud. Y'all act like just a little is o.k. Its not! I only had a little cancer, but left untreated, over time it would have killed me just the same.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks, Linda appreciate your comment
    • Victorine
      No one is saying that any degree of voter fraud is "o.k," but there has never been fraud on a scale that could actually alter an election result, certainly not in 2020, no matter what Trump and his Trumpkins are claiming. Never. And I include 1963, just in case some people try to cite that. Kennedy would have won Illinois even without the level of fraud that has been claimed for that election. Speak to any presidential historian on the subject. There are plenty of them, and they have email addresses at their universities.
  • Some people have been unable to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election. I don't think many of them, Donald Trump included, really believe that massive fraud occurred, but they hope to sow doubt among the uninformed and gullible. Anyone who really believes, after the all the vote counts, all the evidence that this was the most secure election ever, that Trump won, is either highly unintelligent or mentally ill.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • There is always some fraud but never enough to change the election results.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)

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