• We may have more to worry about.
    • Linda Joy
      What does that have to do with not wearing a mask?
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Scapularis has been endemic in Florida since 1945, and has been known to have lived in southern Texas since it's ever been recorded.
  • Either your mask works, or it don't. Either your vaccine works, or it don't. Either your social distancing works, or it don't. Either your scientists are correct, or the scientists on the other side are. You don't get to have it both ways, nor do you get to force your beliefs on others. I been wearing the mask for over three years, to put an end to getting the flu 3 to 5 times every year, for over ten years. It has proven quite effective, so I'll be continuing to wear the surgical mask indefinitely. That is and was my choice. When I first started wearing one, I got a lot of flak from the herd of idiots, and I gave it right back. Today the same idiots so desperate to get me to stop wearing it, are now equally desperate to make everyone wear it. The old 'conform to the norm' is now The New Norm. This is not about proven science, as there are just as many scientists saying to turn right, as are saying to turn left....irregardless of what the MSM would have you believe....and irregardless how effective they have been at silencing the other side. This is all about unproven hypotheses, assumptions presented as facts, dark politics, and social control.
    • Linda Joy
      It helps with allergies and pollutants as well. And there is proof now that it has all but eliminated flu.
    • Franco333
      Yeah, I sneeze a lot less when I'm outside with the mask, than inside without one. More likely COVID has 'eliminated' flu and pneumonia...wink...wink!
  • That's sad you had to go through chemo. :( .. I think masks are at least sorta effective but, what about the vaccine for covid and probably a lot of people have antibodies(immune system resistance) for covid now too. I used to be pro mask until I got burned out and covid fatigued. After about a year of covid I stopped wearing a mask but I had it on my neck and if someone came up to me and said "Wear your mask or else I kick you out of my store/business" I would wear it. Not going to go full Karen. Just so sick of it.
    • Linda Joy
      Chemo was no picnic, but I'm thankful it got rid of the cancer. This question was before the vaccine, but yeah, its getting tiresome. And there is no reason to wear it if you're not around people or you are immune.
  • If I'm completely vaccinated, and the vaccine works as claimed, I cannot transmit nor contract the disease. I shouldn't have to live in submission to restrictions. If they want to see my card, they're welcome. Someone is lying to you to keep you in perpetual submission.

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