• It's 8:11 pm How and Hell Are You And Why .?
    • Linda Joy
      I forgot about this! hahaha! I doubt it takes over an hour. I'm great! I don't even have any appointments this week! I have 5 in two days next week though.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yeah oh them appointments can be something , pray things go well for you, I got one on Oct 30 , 2020 Family Doctor , My Therapist and the doctor been doing their appointments over the phone for SPHS Behavioral Health
    • Linda Joy
      Wow! It really is taking over an hour and 11 minutes!! Its been and hour and 30 minutes and my flu shot question still hasn't shown up in the list!
    • Linda Joy
      I've done some telehealth and some zoom visits. But they can't draw my blood that way, and they won't let me take my chemo infusions at home. And they can't do the ultrasound at home.
    • Linda Joy
      2 hours later I was beginning to think I didn't post it right, but its in my profile questions list, but still not in the questions list. I wonder what's up with that?!!
    • Linda Joy
      O.k. I figured it out. I put it in the health risks category and for some reason that comes up under marijuana in the adult category so it doesn't go to the questions list.

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