• Go to Whataburger then the next day go to Mr. Gaddy's. Not just to eat but to see all my friends who work there. I will then know they are all OK.
  • I had been a big supporter of local music and farmer's markets up until March. I would much love to go see a local band or get some fresh vegetables, but as social distancing starts to ease up (hopefully at exactly the appropriate time and not a moment too early), I don't expect concerts to be the first thing to come back.
    • Linda Joy
      Have you seen any of the online concerts since you've been locked up?
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Two or three. I say that as if I'm not sure, because one seemed pre-recorded. In exactly zero of the three cases was there any immediate way to tip the performer. In two cases, connection issues interrupted the performance multiple times. Not as nice as being there in person under usual circumstances, but under these circumstances, I'm really glad that we have this sort of technology.
  • Reopen my salon and get back to work.
  • Haircut. I put it off for too long right before all of this started. My straight hair shows every mistake so I can't cut it by myself! I'd also like to go to my favorite local pinball bar.
    • Linda Joy
      Good to see you again!
    • Thinker
      My hair hasn't been this long since I was a teacher back in the 1970s. It is so long now it tickles the back of my neck and starting to cover my ears. I just wish it would do so well on top where I am mostly bald!
  • I know I already answered, but I've reconsidered. The first thing I'd do if the virus magically went away would be to scratch my nose for an hour straight.
    • Linda Joy
      Spray a brush with sanitizer and go to town!

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