• Personal finance and responsibility. Paying rent and making good financial choices.
  • Kindness, networking, budgeting, parenting, generosity, cleaning, manners, respect, work ethic, efficiency, self denial, food portioning, exercise, good health and mental health practices.
  • First things first, college students should put away the alcohol to concentrate more on their studies.
    • newyorknewyork
      Students should learn how to pour from a beer tap. Different grips for red & white wine. How to remove champagne cork safely. How to mix well-known cocktails. These are adult skills. Been put to more practical use than calculus and the history of mass media.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Whether they pour it from a beer tab or take a shower with it, a major issue is how college students are turning to alcohol to relieve stress:
  • Some basic cooking skills are always useful and having a handful of cheap and quick recipes up your sleeve is never a bad thing - I like the recipes on Personal finance is another big one - you should know how to balance a budget, the difference between debit and visa, and more - they cover a bunch of this stuff on Otherwise, just general knowledge is always good. A broad understanding of the world around you should be a requirement for everyone. I find documentaries a good way into many topics -
  • Personal responsibility. Most probably don't even know what that means.

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