• You can tackle the issue by paying your electric bill in time before you get disconnected.
  • Maybe conserve in January so that the extra cost is offset against December's Bill
  • At this point all you can do is pay the bill or ask for help. In the future you can plan better. Some power companies have plans to level out your bill. This is especially helpful to those with high summer or winter bills due to weather patterns. But there are many things you can do on a regular basis to help lower your power bills:
    • Zara Zoey
      Yes, gonna take electricity bill precautions. I have read this and I hope it is helpful.
    • Linda Joy
      I wish you well, but I don't need it. My power is included in my rent.
    • Zara Zoey
      This is so wonderful. Stress-free life
    • Zara Zoey
      This is so wonderful. Stress-free life
  • Don't use too much electricity next time. Take it as a lesson learned.
  • Convert to Judaism. Instead of huge trees, expensive toys and gifts, and a million watts of lights, you can light a few candles and spin a top. Or nihilism, then you can pay nothing.
    • Linda Joy
      Or a Jehova's Witness. They don't even celebrate their own childrens' birthdays, much less that of Christ. Or be the grinch who stole Christmas!
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Now you are thinking outside the box! Turn the whole mess into a selfishly driven profit machine! Maybe become an advertiser who brainwashes small children into badgering their parents for the next new toy they cannot afford and which they will only play with for ten minutes anyway. Then you can ride the incoming tidal wave of cash all the way over to the electric company and buy it for yourself!

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