So far, Answerbag does not need a PM feature. What this site needs is more users in 2020. Maybe then their voices can be heard.
Black Mystique
Agreed! More users in 2020 -
@Jenny Rizzo: Yes, it does. @Black Mystique: Why do you agree with Jenny Rizzo that Answerbag does not need a PM feature? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, "Yes, it does" is not a structural remark. It is an outcry on your behalf. I would suggest you start laying some bricks if you want to prove me wrong. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, in regards to your comment to Black Mystique, she is well aware that Answerbag needs to grow first before it starts adding a PM feature. With 10-15 active members on Answerbag at the moment, a PM feature will only keep them in the shadows than in public. Think, think, think! -
Maybe you should think, think, think. If they installed a private message system all the old members would come swarming back. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, I don't have much thinking to do. I have it all figured out. The old members were not on Answerbag cause of the PM feature, knowing private messages can be sent with fake emails. They were here cause of the POINTS SYSTEM. That is what attracted the old members to ask and answer more questions. Think again to see who needs to do some serious thinking. -
As it happens, I do want to see the points system back as well. My niece (Kenz the Frenz) was here mainly for the points. So you can't say I need to do some serious thinking. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, you don't want to get in with me when it comes to serious thinking. I am a professional debater. If you wish to challenge me, then let us start this discussion. I will further answer your question just so you will know you have feedback in this thread. That's another issue Answerbag needs to fix, but you're in need of a a PM feature??? not to mention a points system, as I mentioned first, seeing a comments button to keep track of our feedback, more versatility in our profiles so we can be creative in our profiles, adding HREF images and HTML links in our answers, a visible friends list in our profiles, AB moderators to report harassers, etc and etc????????????????????? As you SEE, I'm in EVERY position by my first comment to my previous comments with my reasoning to say you need to do some serious thinking. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, I understand you want the points system brought back. Most of us who are active on this site will agree with that. Receiving points was a lot of fun. It became addicting to many AB'ers who were at a high level from Sage, Guru, Swami, Genius to Illuminati. Most of the AB refugees who went elsewhere had high ranks. To see their accounts go to waste when the old Answerbag closed down, they felt devastated to see all their hard work of spending countless hours on Answerbag come to an end. -
Where did those members go, have you any idea? I'd like to meet up with them again on another site. Preferably an improved version of this half-built Algerian ruin that calls itself a website. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, quote: "Where did those members go, have you any idea?" Yep, most of them went to Fluther, Yahoo Answers, Blurtit and answerMug: As you see, all that remains on AB are the ruins.
@Bootsiebaby. What is the need to private messaging on Answerbag? Make your case 😊
So that people can message each other in private. If that's not a good enough reason, I don't know what is. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Bootsiebaby, sending messages to each other in private as you say is the definition of private messaging. So it's not a good enough reason. That's what VK, Facebook, Twitter and other popular sites are for on social media. Answerbag once had a PM feature when it was highly populated. -
Black Mystique
PMing might be good. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Black Mystique, sending private messages is good. I'm not saying it's not so ya can know. I used to use that feature in the old Answerbag. That's not important at the moment. What we need is a comments button in our profiles to COMMUNICATE better. We also need a time and date display to keep track of our posts. Followed by customizing our profiles in any unique way we can so other AB'ers can visit our profiles. Perhaps more members will join and I would then say a PM feature is needed. -
Black Mystique
I have email for PM's. And I think if every active user asked about 5 questions a day the increased volume of questions would attract more users. But I like to have the option of a smaller community. They have heavier traffic on the other Q&A sites. Also inviting other users would increase site flow... if that's what you want.
That's all very well if you have the personal email addresses of every member of this site, but who has? You are most probably the only one who has most of them (I haven't given you mine). -
Linda Joy
No, actually I put my email address in my profile so anyone who wants can email me. And if you don't want AB stuff in your regular email you can make another, just for AB. And I have no intention of forcing myself on anyone or harassing them, so I don't need anyone's email address, including yours. If anyone wants to talk its there. And if anyone wants to harass I block them. Problem solved. IMHO there is no need for a pm function in AB. -
Steven Bell
I emailed you -
Linda Joy
Sorry I only just found it after seeing this post. -
Linda Joy
Actually you did, JenniferAshley when you PM'd me, but that was a long time ago.
Expecting anything from this site would be ill advised, considering its current state. There is no visible moderation, most generally text formats and character sets are unsupported, and the likes system is usually broken. Navigating the site is cumbersome and often broken, and there is no help section or support, aside from the "blog" which doesn't even seem to really function. But we got emoticons last year... 😕
I was with the old Answerbag (I think it was the same name) for some years and only found it had been reinstated a few weeks ago. There are probably many who who will return once they too find it exists. In those bygone years, we often gave email addresses where there were more intimate things we wanted to say to each other. I made some really close friends in this way.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Shortly after the new AB site emerged from the wreckage of the old site, a bunch of the original AB'ers did come back, but they started abandoning the site quickly. Now that they've gone and come back and gone again, there is little hope of an all-out revival. Also, it's been years now, so I'm sure those users have gotten over any sentimental connection they once had for the site. The fact that this site still exists with only about a dozen users per day visiting is itself really surprising. As you see, many questions get posted and never garner any discussion. I don't think that PM features would be nearly enough to attract anyone back. There are too many simple features here that are broken. You cannot use paragraph formatting at all, even trying to use a back-apostrophe will break the site. It's a mess. There is no way to contact a moderator or report bugs- you can only flag a question, answer, or comment, and choose the reason for flagging from a drop-down. And in my experience, stuff flagged as spam gets taken down whether or not it's spam, so there might very well be some sort of autobot moderating the site at this point. Without simple bug fixes, normal site features, or any sort of visible moderation, I don't see the point trying to add fancy features that will just end up broken anyway with no one interested in fixing them. -
Thanks for filling me in BJ. This really sad. I enjoyed the old AB so much over a very wide range of life - some things I'd never dreamt of, WOW! There were so many people too. I gather it was at risk of violating some US laws, they got scared and shut it down. There also was Experience Project I enjoy very much in its different way. It went the same way. On my first attempt here I replied to someone about using the correct male-female nouns and visa versa and was immediately chucked off into the "Penalty" dog box. It irked me, but I decided it was one of your 'autobots' so mustn't take it personally. I think I'll stick with it here and see how I go.
Might as well ask if the Atacama Desert will install a rain feature in 2020.
Linda Joy
Or if California will install fire breaks. -
Hey, they always say things in America are bigger and better, and you sure know how to keep yourselves warm in summer. I feel so sorry for those folk. I spent time in Oregon and up in the Cascade, I guess that's what it burning there now.
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