• Yes. It's the dimwit global warming deniers that don't understand the carbon and heat storage after those ice ages was released over hundreds of years. Life and atmosphere on Earth was able to adjust. Man made global warming is bringing those changes in too fast and it's causing irreversible damage instead of natural change.
    • Linda Joy
      Well at least you admit wonder at this mysterious warming that had nothing to do with industrialization at all! lol And in case you missed it the eruption of volcanoes (which blocked out the sun) caused a very quick natural change in global climate.
  • That's a great question. The Earth goes through cyclical climate periods called "glacial periods" and "interglacial periods." During cold glacial periods, the polar ice caps expand and cover more ocean area, sea levels drop, and global temperatures cool. These cycles are not perfectly understood, but we do know that they are caused by a combination of factors: the axial tilt of the Earth, the orbital eccentricity of the Earth, the activity of the Sun, etc. We also know quite well how these cycles have behaved in the past up until present day. We are currently just past the peak of an "interglacial period," with receded ice caps, high sea levels, and warmer climate. Emprically, from where we are now with global climate, we should be seeing global average temperatures drop gradually, by maybe 3 degrees Celsius, over the next few thousand years. Instead, we are watching as global temperatures have instead risen by about one degree over the past hundred years, with the change accelerating rather than showing a constant change or deceleration as expected. So, there's that fact, which might seem like not a big deal. It might not be a big deal, but it still is a thing that has been recorded. But then you have to wonder why that's happening, and contend with other data. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that burning fuel releases heat. If you do thirty seconds of research, you can look up the quantity of petroleum being consumed every year. We know how much quantity of heat is given off per unit of petroleum, so it is as simple as multiplying x times y to figure the amount of heat added to the Earth by humans. I strongly suggest that you do at least some basic investigation into these sorts of things before you go around jumping into this sort of argument.
    • Linda Joy
      Didn't read all that. But I didn't jump into an argument. I stated an incontrovertable fact. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DECIDED TO ARGUE, AND YOU CAN CONTINUE TO ARGUE WITH YOURSELF!!
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Linda Joy: "Didn't read all that." Of course not. You don't care to learn about the subject, yet you still post bullshit questions like this. Linda Joy: "I stated an incontrovertable fact." You stated a premise and a conclusion that was based on no logic whatsoever, then proceeded with your question, which was essentially equivalent to "Science is dumb, right Beavis, huh huh huh?"
    • Linda Joy
      For your information, mister I know everything, there are many meteorologists that don't believe in man made global warming either! But continue to fight with no one...
    • Linda Joy
      "These cycles are not perfectly understood" But you'll still fight about it even thought you admit you don't even understand it!! And you didn't bother to mention the saline in the oceans being a factor, or volcanoes! Actually its the sun that causes global warming, not man. I know more than you think I do!
    • Linda Joy
      And its still an incontrovertable FACT that the earth warmed twice since humans have been on earth with no industrialization at all.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You need to do some research before you go around pretending to be smarter than everyone else. For example, meteorologists don't study the climate, they study the weather. Saline is salt water. Look up, for starters, how heat is transferred between objects. It's not as simple as the heat only being determined by the Sun. There are many other factors, like how reflective the Earth is, how easily heat can escape from the Earth, and how much heat comes from other sources. Volcanoes have very wide effect on the Earth's climate, but not due to direct heating. For one, the magma coming from a volcano is not a release of potential chemical energy, it's just movement of heat. As for you knowing more than I think you do, you are really struggling to provide any evidence of that, but I'm open to whatever sort of discussion you would like to have, although you already made clear that you don't want to discuss it or learn anything about the topic, so this entire thread is really just silly. I do hope that you can come around and put at least a little thought into it. If you could learn enough to make any points that could withstand scrutiny, though, it might make a powerful case to convince people not to worry.
    • Linda Joy
      Yet the FACT still remains if there were no sun there would be no warming. Lets get one thing perfectly clear, It don't take a genius to know the cause of global warming is unclear. Even climatologists disagree and their jobs depend on government grants to fund their research and hey genius what do you think happens when there is no pending disaster? FUNDS CUT!! So why wouldn't they perpetuate the panic? And I don't think, I know how smart I am. There are scores from tests I've taken that tell me and everyone else how smart I am. But you know this! You've taken an IQ test, an SAT, ACT, ASVAB or some sort of test that tells you how smart you are. I'm in the top 10% and maybe 6%, but I'm no genius (2%). And I don't even have to be smart or right to give my opinion! YOU PROVED THAT WITH YOURS!! You're the one who thinks you are always right even when proved wrong by a blue fish you just can't stand to be wrong!! So maybe its time YOU LEARNED THE TRUTH FROM A CLIMATOLOGIST! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO BE EDUCATED! So listen to Dr. Roy Spencer educate you on climate change!!
  • The issue is that we have dug up and burned 150 million years worth of buried carbon, methane and so forth (not to mention all the methane released from cattle and other farming) in such quantity all in the past 150 years while also having cut down half of the world's forests. Do you believe the Earth was designed to handle such an assault without serious consequences to the environment to which we have become accustomed? I think it was summed up very nicely in the first half hour of "Wall-E" (2008). There was a very funny and satiric website presenting a backstory of sorts for that film, showing how the "Buy-N-Large" corporation had taken control of geopolitics and put consumerism above all regards for ecology.
    • Linda Joy
      Methane my ass! You think dinosaurs and buffalo didn't shit? Besides that the plants they eat give off gas whether they pass through animals or not!
    • Archie Bunker
      Plant's optimal growth needs about 10% more carbon dioxide in the air. That's why greenhouses pump in CO2, to stimulate growth. Just sayin'.
    • mushroom
      Remember that agriculture was only invented 10,000 years ago. Until then, it was hunter/gatherer. Eat or be eaten. Those pyramid builders did not have corporate farms, much less fracking. If you could collect all the excess CO2 and direct it to greenhouses, you'd win a Nobel prize, but carbon sequestration (which is what nature does) is called a waste of effort AKA "it costs too much.".
    • Linda Joy
      @mushroom, you didn't even address the question. How did the earth warm up all by itself without any human manipulation at all?
    • mushroom
      Interglacial periods occur due to various factors including the Earth's distance from the Sun and its relative tilt. Sure, 10,000 years ago, stone-age man had little overall effect that nature couldn't absorb, other than hunting megafauna already facing pressure of extinction. Then again, there were perhaps fewer than 1 million humans living in a precarious position where disease, drought and loss of fauna meant the threat of their own extinction was always present, whether those people knew it or not. The issue at hand is how much present day activity has effected the planet. Imagine a new glacial period (or "Mini ice age") forces us all indoors. Would the solution be to burn more and more carbon until it became so sooty outside that it was hard to tell day from night, or could we come up with something a little less destructive?
    • Linda Joy
      So you admit it had NOTHING to do with industrialization. Here's a link for you: Dr. Roy Spencer, climatologist talks about global warming
  • I'm a man-made global warming denier, so I think they're all full of shit.
    • Linda Joy
      Maybe those who complain should get their asses sewn shut so they don't add to the problem!
    • Archie Bunker
      Agreed. And maybe when they want to send a little girl over from Scandinavia or wherever, they should put her on a wooden sailboat instead of flying her over to New York to talk to us about global warming. Oh yeah, and maybe they should get their science right too.
  • There's always been a natural cycle, "they" are just saying that man has speeded up this process, of course while they all fly private jets to the world climate change meetings! I cannot miss the hypocrisy of groups like Instinct Rebellion, who are gluing themselves to doors, roads etc , and shouting about the fact that they won't have a future, there will be no future for their offspring, when there was 218, 581 abortions in the UK in 2018, and 46,151,640 in the USA in 2016, funny how with climate change they are babies/would be offspring, but in other circumstances they are foetus's/a collection of cells. "Them in charge" are clearly are not bothered with it, 1 in 2 of us will get cancer for reasons unknown, there is an increase in dementia for reasons unknown, but enables them to eventually get all our assets off us, and heart disease isn't slowing anytime soon. Despite all the fundraising for Africa since the early 1980's they still don't have clean water and food, so population control is working just fine, and if not they will find a way to wipe some more of us off the planet to slow down climate change, whilst making a living off the serfs. By increasing and decreasing how much money (IOU's) circulate in the system, they control the labour force (serfs/plebs).
  • Yes, I believe with [url=][/url]
    • Linda Joy
      What have you done about it? The question wasn't whether or not you believe. But whether you wonder how the earth warmed up all by itself twice without any industrialization at all!! And since you believe what have you done about it? Have you stopped using electricity? Have you stopped burning fuel? Have you stopped farting? Have you stopped eating meat? Have you planted any trees? Or do you just say you believe and do nothing about it?
    • Archie Bunker
      Some people think we need to pay more taxes which will somehow stop this man-made global warming craze. Which is what many think as they sit behind their computers or on their iPhones. Dumb.
    • mushroom
      @Linda Joy, nobody is expected to live in a log cabin and eat bark and bugs. It's all about the collective effort to be more efficient while making little or no compromise to your quality of life. Old houses may have fewer electric outlets, but we continue to collect electronic gadgets. I found that using efficient devices means fewer costly visits by the electrician.
    • Linda Joy
      When you can convince the people in India and China to make the sacrifices necessary to even make any global difference at all then I'll consider it. But to be honest its the sun that causes global warming so until you can control the sun you can't control global warming. And the people flapping their jaws are only doing so for their own recognition, power, control and to scare the public into approving laws that deny us our liberties and raise taxes to line their own pockets!!
    • Linda Joy
      And I don't care if they live in log cabins, or what they eat, I'm not making sacrifices that are equivalent to spitting in the wind. And I don't believe anyone believes this crap unless they are personally willing to make sacrifices that prove they believe it! Even if it is a worthless sacrifice!
    • Linda Joy
      @Archie - When they are willing to give up their ELECTRIC POWERED phones and internet, then I'll believe that THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE what they are saying!
    • mushroom
      @Linda Joy What do you personally sacrifice that depends on how the electricity coming out of your wall outlet has been generated, or where it has been stored along the way?
    • Linda Joy
      I'm on nuclear power. Besides I don't believe co2 is bad for the environment, I believe co2 causes plants to grow more and more plants clean the air of co2. I'm also giving hand cranked phone chargers for Christmas not because I'm in terror of the end of the world but because I think they're cool and I know people who have limited access to electricity at times. And why should I sacrifice anything if I don't believe all this crap to begin with? Not to mention the fact that I'll most likely be dead in ten years so why bother? I taught my genius son to think for himself starting at about 9 y.o. and I trust our youth to figure out their own problems. Its part of the life cycle. But I think there should be some kind of proof and not just hype before they go taking away our liberties which we will NEVER GET BACK!! Two degrees in 25 years? Humans handle 10 times more of a temperature change in one day! I honestly don't understand how very smart people like you and bj can't see this is a terrorist tactic whipping the public up into hysteria over theories that have never been proved to be harmful. And they even have you willing to make sacrifices when anyone who thinks has to know if India and China aren't buying it your sacrifices are for nothing!

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