• Kekko Kamen!
  • My hero is Jesus who gave His life for all. Then arose the 3rd day to have victory over sin and death.
  • Millions of every day people that love all life and express kindness to all.
  • my youngest son for surviving an accident when he was on his bicycle and a truck run him over he was healed within three days and they let him come home
  • I try not to make heros out of humans. Its not fair to them, they are only human, after all! Lofty expectations lead to disappointment. I've been on both sides of that fence. My mom was my first real life hero when she slapped my molester in the face and banished him from the house. (Not because he molested me though - another story I should go write down)
  • On here? Lizzy P!!!! hehehe! I may come back another day with a different answer.

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