• The simplest example would be a transistor circuit. The drop resistor from the emitter to ground would provide negative feedback, limiting and protecting the circuit from being over driven. Gain in the circuit would be tempered. An oscillator would be the simpliest example of positive feedback where some of the signal out is fed back to the input which amplifies and maintains oscillation. An unintended example of this in an amplifier circuit would be the loud frequency produced from a microphone amplifying the speaker output resonant frequency ever louder (till someone covers the mic)
  • Positive feedback is meaningful and constructive. Negative feedback is meningless and usually dubious in merit
  • one is positive and the other is negative
  • In today's world everyone does have a smartphone or active internet user. So whenever one wants invest money on something be it a coffee/food or gadgets, one surely checks the reviews. So a positive feedback about a item or place really attract more customer to that place. A good feedback always brings more customer and with a bad one the company will surely loose many possible clients/customers
  • OK here's a scenario: You get too drunk and throw up on your new shoes. Positive feedback: "Those shoes were ugly and you're lucky that you wrecked them". Negative feedback: "You dumb a$$, look at what you did. You wrecked your freaking shoes and have made a spectical of yourself".
  • In general terms, positive feedback tells a system to do more of the same, and negative feedback tells the system to do less.

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