• Definitely! Especially if you've spent your life working around food all day!
    • Anoname
      So if I talk about melted hershey chocolate drizzled on a dessert then you'd maintain control.
    • Linda Joy
      I definitely pass if the chocolate was drizzled in sand. If you meant dessert instead of desert then I need to know if we are still talking about food? ;-) ;-)
    • Anoname
  • As long as nobody notices but wait till I am by myself. . oh wait!! I am by myself! Hey would ya pick me up a banana split? Or chocolate fudge sundae. or a large shake.. oh just get me all of them, I can take care of them.
    • Anoname
      - you do get hungry -
    • Rick Myres
      Oh yes when I think of that stuff :)
    • ARTICFOX700
      not really, in fact we can be by the bakery section and still would not get hungry. I inquired about my lack of appetite people said it "was a gift". go figure lol.

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