Dehydration and Hypovolemic Shock
Hey guys!
So I have a story writing competition at school and of course, I to win. Obviously the grades are based on good writing skills but they also want to grade it on research skills too. So I need to get my facts right and I was hoping to get some help on it if anyone can help with the questions below!
- How many days would it take for a completely normal and healthy 20 years old girl to get into a sever dehydration state and get a hypovolemic shock if she was to all of a sudden loose access to any food or water?
My plan for the story is to be based in a normal environment so nowhere too hot or too cold.
- If the person in shock doesn't get immediate medical attention, how soon after does death follow? (minutes, hours, days?) Also, if she was not taken into hospital for about a day after the shock, is there any chance of her surviving?
- After having a shock, realistically, is it always followed by death? How likely would it be for that person to go in a coma? If she does go in a coma, realistically, how likely is it for her to recover and wake up?
- If the person was given immediate medical attention, how easy is it to treat them better to get them back to how they were?
Thank you so much! I know you're thinking my story sounds so depressing but I just have a really good idea with this particular topic haha! Hope you're willing to help me! Again, thank you!
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