• 6-27-2017 I said it. Possibly under a different screen name.
    • Jewels Vern
      In 1993 I made up a file of 850 taglines for BBSing and that was one of them.
    • Linda Joy
      Did you give credit to the philosopher?
    • Jewels Vern
      I was the philosopher. I did not quote anybody else, I made it up myself.
    • Solodun
      I can make that on my as well.
    • Solodun
      Well I which can possibly make its likeness
  • Nobody is quite sure who said it first, but in many cases, it's not going to be true.
    • Jewels Vern
      In my heart I know you are extremely right.
  • There is the concept that right makes might. The one who knows they're right is more agressive whereas the one who knows his cause is flimsy will only half heartedly try. In war it's not just soldier against soldier any more. Now we have unfeeling weapons that requires very little human guidance -made in peacetime - which knows no difference.
    • Linda Joy
      I don't see any reason to risk the lives of our soldiers with all the equipment we have available to us these days.
    • Hardcore Conservative
      No matter what the war is over, you'll always need boots on the ground. The unescapable truth of warfare.
  • Wars are for greed! The only winners in any war is the corporations who make billions of dollars over the dead bodies and maimed for life young men and women. How long do you think a war would last if every manufacture of anything used to make war (from shoe laces to ships and aircraft) were to require to pay $19 per month to "Wounded Warriors" for every person killed or maimed in the military since the Vietnam conflict. Corporations would rapidly stop supplying war materials because it would no longer be profitable. There would soon be no more wars. But truthfully that just ain't gonna happen now is it?
    • Hardcore Conservative
      So we went to war with Hitler so the Mason Jar company could stop producing jars and make helmets instead?
    • Jewels Vern
      Yes, that and cigarettes. Before WW2, cigarette smoking was a rare habit.
    • Thinker
      Hardcore, yes that is one of the things. It may sound crazy but this is what I am saying. Where would Boeing Aircraft be today if they had not produced thousands of B-17s and many hundreds of B-29s? Those planes paved the way for the aircraft we have today. Hundreds of companies made millions on the war.
    • Hardcore Conservative
      They might have made millions, but it wasn't Boeing that brought us into the war. That would have been the Japanese when they started dropping bombs. Sorry, but I don't buy into the war-for-company-profits conspiracy theories.
    • Thinker
      Hardcore You missed what I said, No, Boeing didn't start the war but their production of the B -17 during the war made hundreds of millions of dollars for Boeing. They might not even exist today except for their war production. this was true for many corporations during the war.
    • Hardcore Conservative
      There are a lot of things that wouldn't be here because of war. Many of today technologies come from the either the DoD itself or it's pet projects, like the Internet that we're both using. That doesn't mean that wars are fought for profit. It is true that some people/businesses do profit from supplying the tools of warfare, but it doesn't mean the cause & effect relationship goes the other way. And to suggest that there would be no more war, only if there was no way to profit from it, is naïve to say the least and shows a lack of understanding of the human condition. Wars were fought for millennia before corporations arrived on scene.
  • 6-29-2017 I just ran across this:
  • thats true, i hate war
  • That's certainly a sobering thought and it's quite true
  • Nope. War is what determines what side wanted it's version of peace more.
    • mushroom
      Ants have had wars for 100 million years, even using their own chemicals weapons against rival colonies. Surely they're not "thinking" but are playing out a brutal survival of the species.
  • I don't know who said it. War is an elite money making machine.
    • Linda Joy
      Like Archie said wars were fought long before a profit was made from them.
  • The quote is often attributed to Bertrand Russell, but I'm not sure he ever said it and I'm pretty sure he didn't come up with it. I think one could argue that whoever is left determines right and wrong, so the quote is therefore logically inconsistent at the surface level, but says something more deeply true in its nuances: that ethics are determined by those who survive, and those who are most likely to survive are those who live by bendable ethics.

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