''I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost... I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. ......................... I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place. But, it isn't my fault. It still takes me a long time to get out............................ I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in. It's a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. ........................... I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. .........................I walk down another street.''
short answer: conditioning. (and the tale above is from the wonderful world of 'recovery', where people meet to discuss doing the same destructive thing again and again and again, no matter how much they know it;'s bad and want to stop doing it. ....CONDITIONING can be very powerful, a nemesis among foes.
Linda Joyyeah I can see how that would be a part of it.
No I don't wonder as it's a self destructive behaviour. One responsible for many a detention and bad exam mark, as kids the world over look out their window in wonder instead of paying attention. Thus "wonder" by your logic is "harming" humanity.
Linda Joy
Nice interpretation of the word. I could agree with that answer if you substitute inattention for Wonder. But I think wonder is a good thing. That's how you think of things that haven't yet been invented, or figure out things you don't yet know the answer to. Should I have said Ponder? No I don't think that quite fits.
One reason might be this at 1 John 5:19: "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." Satan has power over the world, and he influences humans to be as selfish, greedy, and shortsighted as he is. Another reason, sin and imperfection.
i dont understand why either
Because it isn't all "harming" us - it's only the perception of the weak minded that it is. From the moment you are born, right after you're pushing up daisies. The body is in constant battle with everything from microbes to environment to people. It's how the whole grows stronger and the sentient object we call "body" develops.
Linda Joy
Self destructive behaviors are any behaviors that negatively impact our mind or body by the life choices we make.
It is familiar to us! People.fear change and many times take forever if at all to get out of the same destructive "rut" they have been stuck in for years. Sometimes even though it hurt a and is destructive ... it feels like "home". unfortunately.
I'm gonna keep smoking because it brings me joy. I don't give a damn what the Surgeon General says.
Linda Joy
someone told my ex smoking takes x amount of years off your life. He responded "Those are the years I'd spend drooling down my shirt anyway!" -
Hardcore Conservative
Hells yeah. Those are the adult diaper wearing years. Keep those. I've saving up for the voicebox. -
Linda Joy
Lol! But in all seriousness it's an ugly way to die I watched my mother die of cancer. But what's worse is being afraid of living your life in fear of how you may die. -
My Brother said he could handle anything except getting a stroke. He got a stroke after his first radiation treatment. He took it in stride, then yielded to the cancer.(stopped eating) He set a good example of one at peace with his life given 38 more years from the time of his first cancer. I was humbled by that peace and his four kids at his bedside at home when he died. -
Archie Bunker
Smoking is a terrible habit. It's something I'm fighting with my daughter about now. Her mother and I both smoke, and we're trying to convince her not to. It's a dirty, nasty and expensive habit and it will end up ruining us all in the end. But it is an amazingly hard thing to quit for a lot of folks.
probably cause people dont care that theyre hurting themselves
I used to be but I am not anymore. Jesus helped me to stop.
Linda Joy
I've managed to stop some of mine too with His help. But I still have a lot to work on. -
Rick Myres
Praying and listening to Him. Believe me I know how hard is too. It takes faith.
ive wondered why people snnoke even though they have cancer
Linda Joy
Its a very powerful addiction. I've known people who smoked for 10 years and then spent 20 trying to quit! My mom didn't quit until they put her on oxygen and told her if she smoked around it she could blow herself up.
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