• A lot of jobs have been replaced by automation and software. But it's not the "jobs" aspect that is missed. Rather it's the team you were with then that is remembered.
    • Linda Joy
      Never mind, it's working now.
    • newyorknewyork
  • Oh no. I dont know how we got along without the tech we have now. THINGS THAT ARE NO LONGER DONE: Buy a TV Guide, wear a watch, buy products without knowing if theyre good, wonder about things without the internet, pay thousands for encyclopedias which become almost instantly obsolete, pay money for porn (wait, how'd that one get in there?) (well, I HEARD that this was something *blink* *blink* ...You know one day they will invent a cure for how as soon as any thought of nudity enters a man's thoughts, he can no longer remember what he was thinking about. Until then though...huh??? *blink*
    • mushroom
      I have both TV Guide and a watch (several, actually).
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I buy watches for decoration and I have a link to lol
  • Staying home just because something good was on tv. Pretty lame thing to do, but people did it.
  • Encyclopedias, writing letters, knowing phone numbers 'by heart' and actually dialing them! And phone books, Sears catalogues, green stamps
    • mushroom
      "Dialing" a phone. Now that was a funny scene when my kid and friend said they figured out how to dial the first number on the "old phone in the basement" but they didn't know what to do next.
    • Linda Joy
    • Charin Cross
      Good memory!
  • 5-8-2017 About a thousand years ago, "dialing" a phone meant physically turning the dial to the desired digit and waiting for it to return itself to its normal position. Then for a while we "punched" phone numbers. Now we "tap" them.
    • Linda Joy
      They took all the satisfaction out of slamming the phone down in someone's ear. Pushing that little button just doesn't do the job!
    • Linda Joy
      And waiting on the 0's to get done ugh!
    • mushroom
      And New York City was the lucky spot to get the shortest area code to dial: 212 (There were no "1" area codes because it was reserved for long distance and international) and the trailing "1" was reserved for special services such as 411, 911.
    • Charin Cross
      Yeah, somebody should make a phone slam sound to add onto your phone. I miss that satisfaction.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      "Hello Alice, I would like to call Barber Frank at Edgewood 626." Remember when phone numbers had words in them? And the phone was just a crank with a microphone and a speaker? Pepperidge farm remembers.
  • Talking to people face to face. Going out and meeting a person for the first time instead of on I miss the interpersonal communication skills that people used to have.
    • mushroom
      The kids sit back to back texting each other. The social issue is that mobility since the last half of the 20th century has made local meeting places obsolete.
    • Hardcore Conservative
      Agreed. It seems it's also making people have actual conversations obsolete as well.
  • In the 80s, it looked as though the term "clockwise" was going to become another obsolete word, just as dialing the phone has become. Surprise, digital clocks are not the neat idea they seemed to be, because you lose the easy recognition of time periods "quarter" "half past" and so forth. If your train is scheduled to arrive at 8:42 and the clock reads 8:27, how long will you have to wait? If the minute hand is close to the "30" you can stop to pick up a coffee first.
  • There were a lot of simple jobs which were lost such as messenger, these guys delivered stuff and even had to make a trip to the federal reserve at day end. Supply officer this was the person who overlooked all supplies and distributed them, both are gone today. But the jobs themselves created work for people who cannot find work today.
  • Argue over factual points. For example, a co-worker got the order wrong when talking about old Steely Dan albums. I corrected him & we got into a heated argument. The correct sequence can be found in a few seconds now.
  • hanging out with people, theyre too nnuch into facebook
  • moderator, pls delete.
  • Hand washing clothes. Hand written architectural blueprints.
  • Kids playing outside, together. Now, they're all connected by X Box.
  • Dialing a phone. Also, changing a typewriter ribbon. (Actually, I know some writers who refuse to give up their typewriters and know elderly typewriter repairmen who makes ribbons for them, but once they are gone, the typewriter will definitely go the way of the dodo.) Then there's sending a telegram. Does anyone do that now? Making coffee in a percolator, which always took so much time. No, I don't really miss these things and others like them, though life was slower-paced and less stressful when they were the way we all operated.
  • *** People warming their homes during Winter by spreading layers of manure (from the animals and humans living there) on the floor. *** Hauling freight using a mule, a barge and a canal. *** People having to wash their feet when they enter a home (because the streets are covered with manure from animals and people). *** Leper colonies *** etc
  • using the yellow pages phone book, a land line phone,
  • Pulling out the choke to start a car from cold.
  • The cure for type 1 diabetes came out 10 years ago, where it was simply liposuction, extract and strip down mesenchymal stem cells, coax them to grow into Alpha cell, Beta cell, Delta cell and gamma cell, then transplant on to the liver. That was stopped and causing many many deaths due to the tech that was advanced and not come out yet. Today, the tech never really was all that great; not great enough to hold up the cure for it.
  • With microwaves, stove fires are a thing of the past. I barely turn it on anymore. 😉

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