• Sometimes things just don't work out. 1 class has made it so.
    • Linda Joy
      I'm not following
    • Boola Boo
      One more bad grade and I fail a class.
    • Linda Joy
      Get a tutor
  • Yes .... and the rubber biscuit. ; )
    • Linda Joy
      Would you walk a mile for a camel?
    • Ice man
      Or are you gonna make like Mr. Chesterfield ... and satisfy ?
    • Linda Joy
      They were funny!
    • Ice man
      And being a big blues fan .. I loved the music too.
  • No. Sorry.
    • Linda Joy
      Its where you have two slices of bread and you (hehehehehe) WISH you had some meat!
    • Linda Joy
      It was in a song called 'Rubber Biscuit' by the Blues Brothers. It was quite a while back
  • A wish sandwich is the kind of a sandwich where you have two slices of bread and you, hee hee hee, wish you had some meat... Bow bow bow...
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      Rubber Biscuit - by The Blues Brothers (with Dan Akroyd and John Belushi)
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      The other day I had a ricochet biscuit. A ricochet biscuit is the kind of a biscuit that's supposed to bounce back off the wall into your mouth. If it don't bounce back, mm hee hee hee hee, ... you go hungry! Bow bow bow...
    • Linda Joy
      EXACTLY! I love it!
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      I was a teen in 1978. Blues Brothers (and so of course Saturday Night Live) were required. (So was Van Halen come to think of it.) It got kind of sparse after that though ( for music). But I liked the 80's comedy movies...Back To The Future, Caddy Shack, Vacation, Weird Science, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles.. Then we had a musical drought for....many empty years, broken only by the Austin Powers movies in the late 90's, which seemed to nod towards my generation. After that though... no more nods. :{ ...I'm starting to understand why old people become grumpy! LOL
  • never heard of it
  • No...but I remember the Fluffernutter.
  • Yes I do. We called the lettuce and tomato sandwiches mother fed us in summer "wish sandwich" because we wished she would have put some bacon or bologna in it!

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