• Yes, if the avatar is copyrighted by someone, but no one would sue you over something so asinine.
  • It depends, their are many images within the public domain on the internet. If it is posted on the internet, it is within the public domain and can be used by anyone. However, you may not use the copyrighted material for your own financial gain, that would be copyright infringement. Most everything on the internet can be used for educational, and entertainment applications, so long as your not turning a profit or marring the image for your own personal gain. Be careful when using an avatar with a Trademark, Registered, or Copyright mark embeded in the avatar itself, that could be construed as infringment.
  • Yes. If it isn't yours it's automatically copyrighted to someone else, unless it is clearly public domain. But just because some image crops up in Google or wherever doesn't make it public domain. Nearly everything you see on the internet is copyrighted. It isn't just financial gain that violates copyright use. Copyright violation happens constantly. Doesn't' make it right, even if someone doesn't sue. I find that AB doesn't seem to be very concerned about copyright violations at the moment but I have seen sites all of a sudden get tough on it and it can get ugly.

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