• The first response has to be the all-time classic: The Riddle of the Sphinx. It's so common now, but it deserves its place at the head of the line: Q. What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening. A. Man. The child crawls on hands and knees, the adult walks on two legs, and the elderly walks with a cane.
  • Here one I made this afternoon for you. Not sure if it's hard. What comes next in the series below. (Click image)
  • You were stuck in a magic house. There are no trapdoors windows doors or anything to help you get out just a solid house but you do have three matches how do you get out? answer: clue:Three strikes and you're out real answer:The answer is the clue(Three strikes and you're out cause three strikes and the magic is gone so the doors reappear)
  • Q:It's seven letters. Whats greater that God more evil tan the Devil the poor have it the rich need it and if you eat it u die. A:Nothing
  • A farmer rides into town on Friday. he stays for 4 days. He leaves town on Friday. How?? His horses name was Friday.

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