**these facts come straight from ** In the beginning, both rackets and tennis scoring were used for lawn tennis. With rackets scoring, a game comprised 15 aces, which could be won only by the server who remained "hand in" until the loss of a rally. Tennis scoring was adopted for the first Wimbledon Championships in 1877 and became the standard. The origins of the 15, 30, 40 and so on are not known, but have medieval and French roots. One possible explanation is that the scoring system is based on the presence of a clock face at the end of the tennis court. A quarter move of the appropriate hand was made after each rest, with the score being called as 15, 30, or 45 as the case might be. As the hand was moved to 60, making the complete circuit, this was the game. The term "deuce" is derived from the French "deux", an advantage of two points having to be gained. "Love" is generally taken as being derived from the French "l"oeuf", the egg, symbolising nothing. The term "love" can also be said to come from the English phrase "neither for love nor for money", indicating nothing. (Taken from the book entitled The Guinness Book of Tennis Facts & Feats and Fifteen Love). **these facts come straight from**
What is the origin of the scoring system in tennis: love, 15, 30, 40? The rules of the new game of lawn tennis were drawn up by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) in 1875. Scoring derived from real, or royal, tennis, which had its origins in medieval cathedral cloisters. The name comes from the French habit of calling out tenez! (take this!) before serving. In real tennis, each exchange was worth 15 points, the score of 40 being an abbreviation for 45. Deuce is a corruption of a deux (meaning two consecutive exchanges needed to win). Love is either a corruption of l'oeuf (an egg) or playing not seriously but for the love of the game.
In the fifteenth century in Old French une journee meant "a sport match", as well as "a day", and the scoring system was based on the number of hours in a day, and the number of minutes in an hour. Each match consisted of 24 games, which in turn consisted of four winning rallies worth 15 points each. However, it was soon realized that when both sides were at 45 points each, it would be necessary to win two rallies as otherwise the game might be decided on luck. But the total would exceed 60 points and therefore also the number of minutes in an hour, so the score was changed to 40-all with 10 points being given for each winning rally. If there was a tie at 50 points all, the score would go back to 40-all. The game could only be won by winning two rallies in a row. It was the same with the game score. At 23 games all, it was necessary to win two games in a row, or the score would be lowered to 22-all. As matches became too long, the number of games played was lowered to 12 and later to 6.
The origins are not fully known, but one common explanation was that when the game was first being played back in medieval times, a clock face was used on court. The clock hand would move a quarter for each point. When the hand moved to sixty, the game was over. Therefore, the scoring would be love, 15, 30, 45, and 60 instead of the traditional 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Whoever scored 60 (4 points) first would win the game. However, instead of using βzeroβ the word βloveβ was used. Since, the word βloveβ comes from the French word lβoeuf, meaning egg which symbolizes nothing, it is assumed that βloveβ was used because it is represents zero. Another explanation for the use of the word βloveβ is because the egg looks like a zero. Eventually, the 45 was shortened to 40, and people quit saying 60 altogether. Interestingly, while the English mispronounced lβoeuf as love, the French eventually changed back to using zero, while the English kept βloveβ. The term βloveβ also implies that someone who plays and scores zero points must truly love the game.
where did tennis get the name "open"?
where did the name US open come from?
England - the all english tennis club - maybe it was something to do with the timing of deliuvery of scones and tea.
i was told that 15, 30, and 40, came from the size of cannons or guns. 15lb, 30lb, 40lb (pounders). the rest or all, as you say, more or likly come from the french. all to do with battles. how that fits in, i dont know. i was ballboy at wimbledon 1964 to 1967. thats were i got this info. or was i being wound up.
Very simple Clock hands for scoring Quinze Trente and then Quarante cinq (too many syllables) so became just Quarante
About "open" (in both tennis and golf and in other sports)... That refers to the nature of the tournament. An "open" is open to all players: you or I could qualify for an Open by virtue of meeting whatever requirements (winning a qualifying match or tournament). Therefore an "open" is open to anyone and is not limited to invitation only.
Before God decided to come to earth, the estiamted life ecspectancy was 15(rough times) , this changed however due to the Ides of March when Caesar was stabbed. Due to this event 30 was introduced as a result Caesar's age at death. In the early reanaissance era Loudwich the 14th and MArie antoinette were decapitated at age 40, the 40 in tennis was introduced as a remembarence of their death. In the late 1800's Sir Wilfred Tennis an Historian whom specialised in the average life span of tennis players and the famous book "lets have a ball" decided to create the movie series Duece Bigalow, being the great equaliser of all times. Sir Wilfred fell in love with a girl which gave him no advantage and at the end of the day he had nothing , he drank himself into a stupor and tried to kill himself by hanging himself with one of his ties..but it broke unfortunately. Looking back at his life he decided to create a game manifesting this history of his life thinking that he should've been dead at the age of 60, therefore the average life span of man in the beginning of time was 15; then 30; you can lose your head at 40. No love equals nothing and if you can get past 40 you win the game (of life). Lets have a ball.
Before God decided to come to earth, the estiamted life ecspectancy was 15(rough times) , this changed however due to the Ides of March when Caesar was stabbed. Due to this event 30 was introduced as a result Caesar's age at death. In the early reanaissance era Loudwich the 14th and MArie antoinette were decapitated at age 40, the 40 in tennis was introduced as a remembarence of their death. In the late 1800's Sir Wilfred Tennis an Historian whom specialised in the average life span of tennis players and the famous book "lets have a ball" decided to create the movie series Duece Bigalow, being the great equaliser of all times. Sir Wilfred fell in love with a girl which gave him no advantage and at the end of the day he had nothing , he drank himself into a stupor and tried to kill himself by hanging himself with one of his ties..but it broke unfortunately. Looking back at his life he decided to create a game manifesting this history of his life thinking that he should've been dead at the age of 60, therefore the average life span of man in the beginning of time was 15; then 30; you can lose your head at 40. No love equals nothing and if you can get past 40 you win the game (of life). Lets have a ball.
Originally, the scoring for tennis was developed by the French aristocracy. The scores intially were 15, 30, 45 and game. Each score relating to a position on a clock or watch. Over time the 45 was changed to 40 for convenience. The French used a clock because the peasants did not have watches or clocks and were unfamiliar with them, thus, they didn't understand the scoring very well and this served to discourage them from paricipation in the sport. As a result it was maintained as a sport of the aristocracy.
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