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Plenty of times, but my partner's never knew.
Yes! women fart too :)
Nope. It would probally be embrassing!
yes but i was giving her oral so she was too busy with clenching her body up...but later she said to me..did you fart?
Yes...And it was OK!We just laughed!
No but I had to once when we were in that popular position so I jumped off and he asked me whats wrong - I said I have to fart. He thanked me for removing myself!
Yeah but never on accident. I could feel it coming and I just let it out slowly. I knew it wouldn't smell and it didn't. No harm done.
during my first time... =[ He didnt have any reaction at all, and i sai "wow how embarassing" but he just kept on goin..? I don't know what to think. I'm still mortified.
Never shit myself, even a little, but fart, well...yeah. Thanks for the laugh. I just tuned in. Way to start my day.
omg i saw this question and laughed so hard remembering a few moments i had with my boyfriend. The infamous Pu**y Fart haha first time it happened i was saying omg and i started laughing, i was so embarrassed i couldn't continue, my boyfriend didnt care. I have actually let out a real fart a couple of times i hope hes never noticed haha well hes never said anything. It wasnt intentional just kinda slipped out.
Nope, I avoid gassy foods when I know I am going to be intimate later.
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