• Knee him in the groin you will not see the tears!
  • His crying could possibly just be another way he has found to manipulate and control you. He sees results, so he continues doing it. Don't stay with someone because you feel sorry for them, or because you're afraid of them. Do what you have to do for YOU.
  • He is playing you, get rid of him.
  • Let him cry and whine , you need to move on and stop letting him control you
  • Well you are eventually going to get rid of him and he'll probably cry...So just grit your teeth and do it. He probably is very insecure and will take it hard. Make sure you have some good friends to talk to after.
  • YOU empower him to control you and now it's the time to wake up and be yourself. Probably he will cry but he will be OK once his tears dry up.
  • tell him your be home from work early. but then go to the bar with your freinds,when he calls tell him your b home shortly and tell him that everytime he calls, in 11hrs he will leave on his own! mission accoplished!
  • Set him up with someone else.
  • He's just crying because he see's it gets a reaction out of you. Sympothy & as long as he can play on your sympothy your going to be the one crying on the inside wanting to get rid of him & get him out of your life. Be brave & tell him you don't need a momma's boy you need a man.
  • Fake your own death. Or alternatively you *could* just bump him off.
  • is hes conroling just tell him quietly'sorry but i cant do this any more' its simple and hes likey to understand and stop controlling you
  • Maybe it's time he learnt to control is own tears :)
  • Crying is a really good thing. It helps people get through their pain in a very healthy, strong, and quick way. You should be encouraging his crying. Not to give him more or less to cry about, but just smile and say "It's so great you can connect with your feelings! Not many people are so deep and real about that." And then move on, like it's a beautiful thing and now it's time to go. As a controlling boyfriend, if he tries to do something controlling just say "That's nice, but that's not what I'm choosing. I'm doing something else now." And then go do what you actually want. The important part is to actually DO it. Do exactly what you choose.
  • I would think you would want to break up with him and then enjoy watching him cry....
  • You make him mad instead. Control freaks will usually manipulate you by trying to make you feel regret, guilt, or just pain to get what they want from you. They can see when you're serious about breaking it off when you sit there and tell them point blank that you're gone and the reasons why.They will usually cry to make you stay, they will beg on their knees, slobbering and blubbering. Alternatively, you could say some things that you know will make him angry, ensure your things are out, and you have a safe place to go very quickly. And simply tell him he can't control you anymore. This will make him mad, I guarantee it. He will want to fight and that's when you say...see ya, and get out.
  • Making him cry may actually be the way to go. You need to be in control, for once, instead of him.
  • kick him in the nuts
  • There's always a hitman...
  • Break up with him. Who cares if he cries, give him a kleenex.
  • You say he is controlling and you're wondering how to break up with him without making him cry? Just end it by saying it's over and mean it. If he cries, so be it.
  • Let the dirtbag cry.
  • If you want to get rid of a controlling boyfriend without making him cry, then you are going about this all wrong. Your soul goal in life(at least in the short-term future) should be to make him ball his brains out like a little bitch. And if you can manage to pull it off, make him cry at work or in front on all of his friends. Anything less would be a waste of time.

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