• Well, no. However every living creature deserves to be treated with the same respect.
  • Yes. That means that when a person is created he/she has all the same potential as the next person. But, it stops right there. The whole rest of his or her life will consist of handicaps, limitations, prejudices, injustices, benefits, perks, abilities; all will effect that person's eventual achievements. It will be a testament to that person's character how he/she deal with what life throws at him/her.
  • Unfortunatley no. There are people who simply just say that they are better than others. I think however that proper justice and respect should be handed out to everybody.
  • I believe at birth they are. Different conditions and choices inside and outside a person's control can influence a person's life, but the person is endowed by its creator eaqually. From a Christian perspective, they each have an equal opportunity for eternal life.
  • No there not created equal I dont see a bunch of pregnant men walking around. Women have special features men dont and men have special features too.
  • Yes. But some are more equal than others...
  • Being different does not make one unequal (ie one being higher, better, or more important than another). Everyone is deserving of the same amount of dignity, love, and respect.
  • I don't believe that all people can truly be said to be created equal, because there are no definitive terms for defining a person's inherent worth. You could go on and on making up criteria for what it is that all people share that makes them "Equal" at birth, but in the end the very concept of "Worth" or "Value" and therefor that of "Equality" are nothing but abstract conceptions from the minds of human beings. I say that trying to place worth on human beings at all, even it's for the purpose of saying that all people share equal "Worth" is impossible and only leads to conflict when people start in thinking that if people have inherent "Worth" at all, then some must be worth more than others. The concept of "Human Equality" is self-defeating, because worth by it's nature is a variable thing. People are all different, and all people are born into different lives, but those differences and the inequalities in the lives they lead have no ultimate baring on the inherent worth of the person. The fact is, nothing has any true "Worth" other than what is assigned to it by people, so trying to assign any kind of "Universal Equality" to the very things that create the concept of "Worth" is nothing but a paradox of epic proportions, and an assurance that the contrasting concept of "Inequality" will always exist.
  • As a normative statement ,it is true that all men(and women) are created equal.I mean when they are created ,that is ,when they are born or before they are born.But the reality is that a girl child is treated as inferior to a boy child or a member of a low-caste treated as less equal than persons of a higher caste.Whether they are in fact created equal is also a matter of our perception because equal or unequal refers to some quality or worth in terms of which they are judged and such a quality is difficult to quantitatively measure.
  • There are as many thoughts and ideas about the phrase, “God created all man equal.” So it really comes down to what you believe. My believe is this, when the word “Man” is used in the scriptures, it is referring to a whole and complete man, which is a husband and a wife. Naturally, men and women have many differences. Simply all of us have differences in looks, mannerism, built, emotions, etc. ; so what does it mean to say all are created equal, purely that all of us when we come into this world have the Light of Christ; meaning all of us, whether physically, mentally or other handicap(s), have the spirit of Christ to be with them. Yes, even those in countries that have never heard of Christ. Now once again, there are as many thoughts or ideas about what the Light of Christ means as there are most teachings of the scriptures. But to put a 21st century term or definition made by man, such as created equal, on what God means is fruitless and useless. I will give you another example, “Spare the rod spoil the child.” In the 21st century and throughout the past centuries man has interpreted rod to mean corporal punishment, which is the furthest thing from what it means. A Shepherd leads and guides his sheep with a staff or rod. A sheepherder is behind driving the sheep, a Shepherd is ahead leading and guiding. If he does not lead the sheep down the path correctly they can fall off the cliff or go astray, thus they will die (rot or spoil) and there you have spare the rod “Spoil” or the child will go bad. You guide them through life properly so the do not go astray. Again, it all comes down to what you believe and what you do not believe in.
  • I'm going to go with no on this one. Some people are going to be smarter, some people are going to be better athletes. Some people are going to have other unique characteristics. All men (and women) are created uniquely. They all have different gifts to give the world and use to succeed in whatever they attempt.
  • Equality is a pipe dream. The combination of DNA starts everyone off as different, and with each cell division the differences continue. We have different nerve connections resulting in various coordination skills. Outside factors control what you learn as important life skills during the first 4 years of life these skills are your base and it will be difficult to alter that base as more and more of life is built upon it. Life experiences will alter your communication and emotional abilities and develops personality. Man, like no other creature, protects its sports (mutants) and allows them back into the gene pool, which keeps the DNA greatly mixed. Which is good for us as a species. It would be hard for any one thing to kill more than 80% of us. Only society can provide a sense of fairness. Equity is the best we can hope for.
  • No, take a look around...we all start out differently. The "created equal" thing is in the eyes of the Lord. Implying we all have the same rights and opportunities open to us.
  • No. All men (and women) are created to be unique. When the phrase "all men are created equal" was written in the American's Declaration of Independance, our forefathers were stating that everyone should have the same chances in life. The chance to be rich. The chance to be happy. The chance to have your voice/opinions/ideas heard. The chance to be somebody important in life. That just because you are born poor does not mean you cannot be achieve greatness and just because you were born to someone wealthy and/or titled does not mean you automatically are great.
  • yes i think everyone is created equaly, but after a while when we start to learn and think for areself, we take are own paths in life. witch makes us indeveduals and different people. we become to have different view in life and about love, politics everything. so yes everyone starts out the same but further in life we all change into are own.
  • They are created to be equal, but different. Equal does NOT mean the same.
  • Well since I have heard the saying, "Men drool and women rule", I'll keep mum on this one.
  • Created equal, in too much society subjected to many sometimes unjust differences from the crib. Being equal doesn't mean being the same thing, so men and women are equal, able to do their very best to achieve their dreams and their expection in life. But if in many place women are abused and stripped of their right, even in modern, open society, some parents grew their daughters as little "fable princesses", seeing from the media that if they forgo their dreams, and if they just grew feminine and sexy, someday a charming prince will came to pick them and live in his castle, and sons as "fairytale heroes" that cannot afford even a moment of emotivity, because "only sissy cowards cry", and has to get plenty of money and power to care for his wife without letting her achieving their dreams. In fact, he doesn't understand he had been stripped of his life too.
  • As Jefferson meant it, and as Christian Theologians meant it before him: YES. All men are created equal BEFORE GOD - i.e., there is no class system, no privileged birth, and no "untouchable" status, in the Grace of God, and thus "all men should be equal before the law", i.e., there should not be a different law for some because of power and "hereditary privilege". The problem with Americans is they tend to think "equal" means "the same". None of the Founders ever thought that all people were the same, and they certainly didn't think (or mean) that everyone was equally blessed with equal intelligence and with talents of equal value. It was a statement condemning notions of hereditary privilege, where certain persons, by dint of their birth, were legally immune (as opposed to practically immune) to certain provision of the law, or when entitled to different treatment under the law. The only distinction a democratic law allows is in matters of mental competance and maturity - i.e., a separate penal system for minors, the retarded, the insane, and the senile.
  • I think women and men are not created equal either phisicaly or mentally. Women have a lot more problems phisicaly then men do. I dont suffer from PMS, ovarian cyst or cancer, I dont worry about breast cancer or osteoporosis, I dont have hormone problems or yeast infections or have I never been told I need a hesterectomy. And I am not facing change of life. Forthermore I have never broke down and started cring for no reason at all, Ive never started cring when something good has happen to me, I never had a problem with my kids growing up and moving out, I dont need to involve the police when I feel threaten I can take care of myself and my family, I dont take it personaly when someone calls me names. And I dont squeal or scream when Ive been scared. And at work I can lift over a hundered pounds, I work between 60 and 68 hours a week and I dont come home complaining about it. I have worked injured, Ive worked with broken ribs, stitches, a broken jaw and a broken wrist. Im an electrician and work from heights that go over 100ft and work with materials that weigh well over 100 pounds. And Im not sure if there are many women who have been in the army and jumped over a hundered times from a plane and been shot 3 times, hit by gernade shrapnal, and at work fallen 30ft and have been in an accident with a tractor trailer hauling 2 bull dozers. And I can honestly say I am still fit with no major problems to cry about. Sure I get aches and pains but I dont go to doctors if it gets to bad I pop and asprine and call it a day. But on the other hand my wife has been to the doctors close to half a dozen times in the past year. And our daughter has been three or four times and at the same time our son hasent been at all and he works construction to. And as far as intellect goes I have 2 brothers 1 is an internal medicine specalist and the other is an aerospace engineer and my father was a unversity english professor. I could of gone the same route but I had other interest just in the event its said women are more intellectual then men.
  • Women.....KNOW YOUR LIMITS!
  • The following is the dictionarys difintion of equal and it dose mean the same. And I have personaly seen that women are in no way the same or equal to me. Yes by law they may be considered the same but that shows how much the law can be wrong. But in reality there is NOT any women who is the same or equal to me. They cant do what I do or what I've done. And women are not equal to me phisically or emotionaly they have enromous problems containing their thoughts and feelings and in many cases are intellectualy inferior as well. Case in point all famous professors or inventors in the past centry have been men outside of Madam Curie. But in her case mutations are everywhere. So when you think of equality you should be thinking in a clear way and not by your emotions. e⋅qual   /ˈikwÉ™l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ee-kwuhl] Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, noun, verb, e⋅qualed, e⋅qual⋅ing or (especially British) e⋅qualled, e⋅qual⋅ling. –adjective 1. as great as; the same as (often fol. by to or with): The velocity of sound is not equal to that of light. 2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.: two students of equal brilliance. 3. evenly proportioned or balanced: an equal contest. 4. uniform in operation or effect: equal laws. 5. adequate or sufficient in quantity or degree: The supply is equal to the demand. 6. having adequate powers, ability, or means: He was equal to the task. 7. level, as a plain. 8. tranquil or undisturbed: to confront death with an equal mind. 9. impartial or equitable. –noun 10. a person or thing that is equal. –verb (used with object) 11. to be or become equal to; meet or match: So far the rate of production doesn't equal the demand. If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C. 12. to make or do something equal to: No matter how he tries, he can't equal his brother's achievements. 13. Archaic. to make equal; equalize. 14. Obsolete. to recompense fully.
  • I'll let you know when men achieve equality. :-)
  • I have just one question..... In what way are women equal to men? I mean what have women done that makes them equal to men. Ive heard arguements that there are female astronauts. Well I suppose if you can put a dog into space you can put anything into space. And there is the arguement that women serve in the military and again the K9 Corps have been in service and performing combat duty for along time and each dog holds a rank as well. So if you want to use that as an arguement then it can be said that dogs are equal to women then...Right?. Dosent that make sense?
  • People born mentally retarded aren't equal. Might sound callous to some, but doesn't make it untrue.
  • No. They were never intended to be.
  • no thats why theres different bathrooms
  • No of course not! Men have a ding-a-ling Woman have a flower Peace xxx
  • No, but they're equally unequal.
  • In different ways yes.

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