• I believe that after I die, I am going to the grave. I will be dead, unconscious of nothing at all. After that, I hope to be resurrected by Christ Jesus, after Armageddon onto this earth and help in restoring the planet to a paradise like condition during the thousand years as brought out in the book of Revelation
  • Barbados
  • To hell, in a handbasket.
  • I believe that the conscious, living, thinking 'essence' of my mind (or 'soul' as some may refer to it) will cease to exist after I die. The rest of me (my body) will gradually break down and return to the earth, eventually joining the cycle of life of other organisms.
  • In the dirt. *This is NOT an invitation in any way to preach or bible hump at me in any way. Good day.*
  • Oh dear I have forgotten to collect my wife from work, this site is dangerous and a marriage wrecker if I am not careful. Iknow it is more verbose than exppected but it is true. See you.
  • To a John Lennon concert in the clouds.
  • I can't say with any certainty, but I think it may be a remarkable journey. I certainly hope so - to simply stop would be a bit of a let-down.
  • Probably laying at the bottom of a pair of step ladders holding a paint brush as i am about to start decorating my 6th room,and i might add that my husband has not lifted a finger to help me the lazy b*****d so i think it will be the death of me.
  • Nowhere, I am going to stay right where I am.
  • I'm going to Disneyland!
  • Straight back,where i came from. Heaven;
  • the king cannot die
  • I plan to live forever. So far, so good. Failing that, hopefully someone will just prop me up in front of my computer.
  • Well, I'll need to grab a coffee and a Danish, but then I was thinking about the cinema. I hear Pirates 3 is good.
  • In the ground
  • am going painting.the pearly gates need more paint mate
  • Into a state of complete unconcious, much like before I was born. There will be no euphoric heaven, nor any malcious hell - there will be nothing, and I'm fine with that. But physicaly, I'll be going into either a hole, some form of tomb, or I'll be turned to ash. Don't know.
  • To the land of the Dead. Hopefully to the Happy Land of Promise, where the Deer and Buffalo are plentiful and there is no weeping in the winter.
  • I don't believe that anyone knows the exact answer to that.
  • I am going to Heaven. Because Jesus said that He is "the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."John 14:6. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my "sins" or my actions that God does not approve of. Jesus's death provided a way for us to be with God. God is such a Holy God that we are unworthy to be in His presence. But Jesus cleaned us of our wrong doings to allow us to spend eternity with Him. I also believe that those who do not accept Jesus as their personal savior, they are going to be seperated from God forever, in Hell. I'm just saying what I believe.
  • Disneyland :)
  • Well, there won't be enough of my concious left to even know that I once existed. But my body will reduce down to it's component atoms and parts of me will turn up in daisies, grass, water and the odd tree...
  • I don't know if I am going to Heaven. But the place I want to go to is a place where people choose to go to be with people who just want to get along--because they want to be there, not because they have to earn their way there by being good and obedient.
  • John Ch:3 V-16.....And the answer is.....Where ever the HOLY FATHER WANTS ME............M.C.S.
  • inside Jessica Alba's pants
  • I am going to the Summerland, where my spirit can rest and review this life, before I am reincarnated into a new one.
  • The dust bin.
  • I'll be going to meet that we can have our fights face to face.
  • I am going to meet my Mommy in Heaven
  • nowhere. asleep in the grave til Jesus comes. Read John 11:11-14. He was telling them that Lazarus was asleep but they thought he wasn't dead , so Jesus finally said to them that he was dead. In other words we are sleeping, concious of nothing at all!!!!
  • I asked this same question in a different way and now I will give you the answer I believe as a Christian believer-but it is simply opnion because I dont think anybody really knows the answer to this question. My answer--the ground,the fireplace, wherever your ashes are thrown... at least untill the end days when God raises everyone up from the dead and begins to judge them, as written in the Book of Revelations. Sometimes, because I think this way often, I ask myself if this was different before Jesus?
  • Under the ground where I will rot until nothing is left but my bones.
  • i hope i go to heaven..
  • Well, I donno where I'l go when I die, but mum did tell me that heaven is suppose to be like a big playground. I know this could sound kinda stupid, but...Im afraid to die.
  • I believe that I keep to the Christains prastices and beliefs I will go to heaven. I not, I shall rot in hell.
  • Well, there are a few folks that I want to go haunt.
  • Im not going no where if there is afterlife I want to haunt and scare the living hell out of people for enterity and if im a ghost no one would see me so i could go to any sporting event, chill at any bar, take anything and couldn't be stopped. Man that would be the life after life!
  • The kingdom of the living God.
  • The you part of me won't die. The body will, just like our placenta did in a past stage. I'll stay in the moment. It's the best place to be.
  • Hang on, I'll check googlemaps.
  • I wish I knew... Or perhaps I don't want to know. Either way, there is no absolute way of knowing for sure. The best we can do is to have faith in something and to do our best to fulfill whatever requirements are necessary.
  • I like to think that dreams are a window to the afterlife. So when I die I hope that it is just a very long lucid dream. Then I can do whatever I want and make my own consequences.
  • Either 6 feet under,or to the crematorium and spread out over the area of my choice.
  • bodies in the grave..but ALL souls, the good and the bad, belong to God....I am not clear on the in between...Jesus parable of Lazarus and the rich man surely tells of a tormented and untormented soul..and they were both aware....and also on the day of Judgement , all souls will RISE even the dead, so....maybe Jesus was giving an example of the rich and poor like Lazarus...i am really inclined to we sleep til Judgement...I don't see this as highly relevant as long as were not saying there is an afterlife other than Eternity with God...we know there is death, Judgement, and HOPE of Eternity...and "I'll Be Listening"....
  • The Bible describes the condition of dead ones at Eccl 9:5 where it clearly states that"the dead know nothing" and at Ps 146:4 it says that on the day of ones death"their plans come to nothing" "their thoughts do perish". Jesus when on earth resurrected dead ones or brought them back to life and he did teach of a resurrection at John 5:28,29. This will happen after the earth will be cleansed of all wickedness at the battle of Armageddon. According to Rev.7:4 and Rev.14:1-3 there will 144,000 who will be resurrected to heaven to rule with Christ for 1,000 years. Billions of others will be resurrected to live on the earth and have the opportunity to become perfect and live forever on a paradise earth.
  • I become a Ghost and go anywere i like, like a strip club.
  • I'm not sure, but I just hope it's someplace I can see my Dad again
  • When I die, I'll be buried. That's as far as I'll be going, no afterlife. My body will degrade and be consumed by plants and animals, thereby continuing the cycle.
  • I think I am going straight to the Pulgatory.. Which I hope not,,, but this live im living is such a sin..
  • heaven without a doubt in my mind.
  • I plan on attending a baseball game with my grand-dad at Ebbets field.
  • "Absent from the body, present with the Lord" that'll be me.
  • After I die I'll try and get back to you.
  • My desire is to be with Jesus and loved ones.
  • Into a furnace and then an urn.
  • Straight to hell.
  • Heaven or hell of course!!
  • you rot in the ground. Wa-pssh.
  • Any part of me that can be donated will be given to someone in need. Then toss me in the big oven! As for my soul, I will go to heaven :)
  • i would like to say heaven but if i don't learn how to control my anger and stuff i don't know ... hope is all i got.
  • my soul is going to Shangri-La. MMFWCL. as for my body, six feet under, encased in silver coffin, engraved with a cross, and sand placed beneath my hedge stone- don't get what all this is for ask me and i'll tell ya
  • have no feelin..
  • Of course I am not sure as I have had not had the opportunity to test any hypotheses on the matter. Nor am I too keen to do so. That said I strongly suspect the following: I won't 'go' anywhere as such, I will cease to be. My physical form that is left behind will probably be buried.
  • I'm pretty sure the morgue for the first stop.
  • My energy will stay with my children. My own father passed away when I was very young and I felt him around me all the time growing up. I still feel like he's watching over me sometimes. I want my kids to have the same thing.
  • I'm probably slated for reincarnation. If I'm right, some places will be more suitable than others, though the world my be drastically different by the time I return; if I'm wrong, frankly, the more I think about it the less I care.
  • With no doubt ...Heaven...--
  • In the ground, to be eaten by maggots, worms, etc. to be reinvented into the cycle of life.
  • All the pieces parts will go to whoever can use them, provided they aren't already used up. I'd like my body to be donated to science, because med students have a bitch of a time, not having enough corpses to practice on. You really want them carving you up in the O.R.? As for the best part of me, I'll probably be very, very happy, wherever that is. I hope I am chasing happy, silly puppies, smelling sweetly scented flowers and making pictures out of clouds with those I've loved. +5
  • Well my soul will go to be with God. I want to be buried with my S/O in each others arms for eternity. 2000 years from now someone will find us and say...... they sure did Love each other.
  • Ashes to ashes
  • I honestly believe I would be in heaven.
  • Any organs that are still of any use will go to whoever needs them, the rest of me will go into the earth and my nutrients will be re-used. I'm 100% recyclable:)
  • After all my usable organs have been harvested, I'll go to the morgue, then the funeral home, then the crematorium.
  • Happy Hunting Grounds!!
  • My body will be mummified,though I do not know where my soul will go.
  • Happy Hunting Grounds!!
  • to hell
  • Older people says, When people alive, if they do bad jobs like hurting somebody, cheating, lying, messing around, breaking nice relationships like somebody family, prostituting, stealing money from innocent people without working hard, bitching around, dishonest, stealing somebody ideas, personalities without any good reasons and etc.... people will go to " HELL ". If you do good jobs like helping innocent people without doing any bad things or harm like above, that people will go to " HEAVEN " In real life, I seen some people suffered and still suffering from the bad jobs, when they were young.
  • In the ground
  • Into earth,wind,water,sky and fire.
  • I wish i could say heaven but i really dont know. I have had an incedent where i "died" for like 8 seconds and i cant recall seeing any "white light" er anything so thats kind of depressing. But ya never know. Life itself is pretty unbelievable so i guess life after death is not completely out of this world
  • well. i do believe in heaven. and i can only hope my beliefs are reality.. if they are, i think thats where i will go.
  • Pittsburgh. Hope this helps.

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