• Nothing. In any way, I see abortion illegal.
  • In any given situation depending on the needs and health of the woman, it is acceptable to get an abortion.
  • NONE< It would be best to give birth to the child & then up him/her up for adoption
  • I don't feel it is ever acceptaptable, but sometimes it has to be done. Only the woman knows what is best for her body.
  • The only time at which I would consider abortion to be unquestionably acceptable would be when to continue the pregnancy would endanger the life of the mother, such as in the case of a tubal pregnancy. In the case of incest, rape, and where the child is so deformed that it is not likely to survive birth, then it is up to the mother. However, in these situations I think that there should be some very serious soul searching and possibly consultation with a religious authority before the decision is taken. I never consider abortion to be acceptable simply because having the baby would be inconvenient. If it is inconvenient to have a baby, then one should not be engaging in the activity that could create a baby.
  • i would not get one, what others do is no concern of mine
  • I would say rape, but why wait for the baby to form? Take the morning after pill.
  • Only when you are pregnant.
  • A rape situation.
  • Rape, incest, and medical concerns in which the the mother is in critical danger of death by having the baby.
  • When a woman chooses to. It is also acceptable because of medical issues. I think abortion is acceptable unless it is used as a means of contraception or forced on a woman against her will.
  • Rape, incest, or danger to the life of the mother.
  • I believe abortion should be legal at any point during the pregnancy, even if I disagree more with the morality of abortion the later in the pregnancy. The morality of abortion, if we divorce it from religious concerns about non-measurable, invisible, controversial "souls" coming in at conception, is actually fairly straightforward. What makes an action right or wrong is whether pain or harm is caused to something that can feel it, or more broadly, when consciousness of at least some limited sort could reasonably be said to exist. The answer about when abortion even has a small moral component is largely a question of science - specifically, embryology. What does science say about when consciousness or the ability to feel pain emerges in the developing fetus? Well, the first development of the nervous system occurs about 3 weeks after conception. If we play it safe morally, and I usually like to do so, we can say that there is the possibility of some very limited, sub-jellyfish level consciousness at that stage of development. I personally see moral problems with ending the life of a jellyfish, but most people really don't (most don't even have problems with ending the life of highly sophisticated bird or mammalian lives). Whenever there's any sort of consciousness, even without the ability to feel pain yet, there is a moral problem with ending the life because in doing so we rob this being of all future potential positive feelings / pleasure / joy. Note that this doesn't happen prior to the development of the nervous system, since there is no "being" yet - just a clump of cells, much like a vegetable or a tumour. During the third trimester, nearly everyone agrees the fetus definitely can feel pain. Furthermore, with modern medical technology, very prematurely born babies, as young as 5 months gestated, can survive and grow to maturity. So basically, an abortion in the third trimester is really only NOT infanticide by way of legal convenience. I can easily see an expecting mother that presents with very few signs of pregnancy up until month two, and misses the chance to terminate prior to the emergence of the rudimentary nervous system, but everyone has had ample time to terminate by the third trimester, and waiting that long and then aborting the child seems unequivocably immoral. So science gives us the answer - it starts to become at least potentially immoral to abort at about 3 weeks, and gets progressively more immoral until it plateaus around the third trimester. I will add a few things about those that would argue for the so-called "sanctity of life" from conception onwards. First, the phenomenon of "twinning" (where the still undifferentiated fetus splits off into one or more identical twins) can happen as much as two weeks after conception; one might ask whether each of the developing fetus's cells should be seen as a "human being" until they differentiate, since until they do, each one could split off and become an independent fetus. The absurdity there is that the morning after pill, or abortion within the first two weeks of pregnancy, could be seen as aborting potentially thousands of "humans". Secondly, and finally, the idea of the "soul" coming in at conception is a fairly recent (only last few centuries) interpretation of scripture, and several non-Christian religious traditions content that life starts at birth, not before. The unpleasant fact is that each of these religious beliefs tries, impossibly, to draw a magic line in the sand, where human life begins - but biology just doesn't work that way.
  • when said women knows she can't emotionally, economically, physically, or spiritually nurture and support her child. abortion is never an easy decision, its a personal and very difficult decision that should never be judged by others.
  • You ask a loaded and controversial question and you'll certainly have no shortage of answers! This one is one of those. And you will get all the extremes and the kooks' opinions to be sure. The mom to be will have to wrestle with this one. I'd say to look at answering it ojectively, spiritually (as it relates to YOU and your beliefs), and every which way. YOU,the mom will have to live with the decision. But be careful...stay away from manipulating women's clinics, they seem to have sprung up everywhere. Get a referral from a local Planned Parenthood resource center. It is their job to provide thorough, accurate, and "objective" information. The other considerations are for YOU, or MOM, to decide.
  • When it is legal to perform.
  • Never...
  • When a woman asks for one.
  • Live with 2 choices- a child with you forever or a child with someone else forever..whether dead (aborted or alive adopted) you will remember forever- choice is yours to decide.
  • I believe it should only be alowed to save lives. When NOT doing it would result in the death of the mother or situations like that. I think psychological consequences are second to the medical consequences.
  • none what so ever.
  • If the woman got raped or if they find out she's pregnant before 3 months. It's really up to the woman but I am not down with the 6 month deals.
  • This is a very controversial topic and I almost didn't answer due to that. In my opinion, only if the woman was raped.
  • If the mother is raped If the mother will die if she doesn't have an abortion If the mother is 18 years of age and doesn't want the child and can consciously, ethically, and morally make this decision on her own, knowing this is her body and she should be able to do whatever she wants with it because the government nor the church owns her body.
  • In any circumstance where the law says it is ok to do so. I am of the mind that life begins at birth, for that is when the soul enters the body (with the first breath). I do, however, find it morally objectionable to abort your child simply because you don't feel like wearing a condom.
  • When you're the one being aborted or to save the mother's life.
  • rape, incest, medical reasons, woman's choice.
  • If you want a boy and you're carrying a girl, if you don't want stretch marks, if it would interfere with a cruise you're planning, or any other reason.
  • First of all, a distinction should be made between what is acceptable, and what is advisable. Regarding when abortion is acceptable, when the woman feels it is neccesary.
  • Whenever the woman chooses. +3
  • I would answer that by asking you what you think because this is a personal issue and what is right for me, won't necessarily make sense to you unless it stems from your heart and your beliefs. I think differently about it than when I was younger and I had an abortion. I wouldn't have done that now, but back then I didn't believe that I was ending a life necessarily. I honor life, children and God now and I don't want to pass that belief system on to you. You have to find that on your own I can't give it.
  • I simply don't agree with abortion on principle. I believe you are snuffing out a life (or potential life), which is always wrong. Sometimes abortion is just plain sick though. It is legal to abort a baby in the UK up to the 24th week of pregnancy. However, some babies can actually be born at that stage. They are severely premature, but they are still a real baby. So in aborting at that stage you are effectively murdering a baby. I genuinely don't know how the doctor would be able to do it. I do understand why people do it, and if I got a girl pregnant I would not try and force her to have it if she didn't want to, but I don't like it myself. This also has nothing to do with religious beliefs for me. I am not even close to being a religious person.
  • The only time I would consider abortion acceptable would be if the mother was raped. Because the child will always remind her of that event. The only other time is when the mothers life is endanged.
  • Whatever is acceptable to the woman in question is good enough for me.
  • If it would interfere with other plans you have.
  • I define my beliefs as Pro-Choice. I believe it is the mother's choice whether to have the baby or not. That being said, I don't condone women who have abortions as often as they change their underwear. I understand not wanting a baby, but there has to be limitations. Birth Control, maybe? Much cheaper than a monthly abortion, and a quite a bit less risky. I do especially believe that in cases of rape, major birth defects, major health problems (for the mother and the baby), and serious life assessment (serious financial trouble, major disabilities, or any other situation where having a child enter the picture would be detrimental to either or both the child and the parent/parents), the choice should be up to the mother and hopefully the father. These would be my own things to consider, were I to consider having an abortion myself.
  • Any situation if she doesn't want a baby.
  • Whenever the baby is unwanted.
  • Get an abortion, you're a filthy murderer, keep the baby, you're a lazy bitch who's useless to society because food stamps don't buy diapers. You can't please a damn soul. At the very least, don't let others make your decision for you. Better to be hated than trampled. Take that, Roman gladiators.
  • any situation when an individual wants an abortion. its the individual persons right to do so.
  • I don't see it as very right. putting your child up for adoption is the best solution. There are so many out there that want kids but can't have them, it's sad. Obortion is not the answer in my eyes
  • In the same situation where it would be acceptable to kill an innocent child.... Oh wait.. that's right. Same thing.
  • To save mom's life.

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