"Human tolerances depend on the magnitude of g-force, the length of time it is applied, the direction it acts, the location of application, and the posture of the body." 1) Vertical axis g-force: a) positive: untrained: 5 g; trained, with special suit: 9 g b) negative (drive blood to the head): - 3 g c) instantaneous: 40 g d) deadly: 100 g (record: 179 g) 2) Horizontal axis g-force "The human body is considerably more able to survive g-forces that are perpendicular to the spine." Untrained humans: a) pushing the body backwards: 17 g b) pushing the body forwards: 12 g 3) "Strongest g-forces survived by humans Voluntarily: Colonel John Stapp in 1954 sustained 46.2 g in a rocket sled, while conducting research on the effects of human deceleration. Involuntarily: Formula One racing car driver David Purley survived an estimated 179.8 g in 1977 when he decelerated from 173 kmΒ·hβ1 (108 mph) to 0 in a distance of 66 cm (26 inches) after his throttle got stuck wide open and he hit a wall." Source for all quotes and further information:
You can survive 10000 Million g's
About 16 or 17 will be fatal. The person will die over a period of a few days. The organs will be extremely damaged and death is usually eminent. Almost immediately there will be coughing blood and brain damage with blood coming from the ears. The top pilots can withstand up to 8 or 9 g's with extreme training. Most people can withstand 5 g's for a short period without any damage. The person may be dizzy or light headed for a few minutes to a few hours.
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