• What does M4A stand for? Many people have questions about M4A, since it is relatively new. M4A stands for MPEG 4 Audio, and it is a popular file extension used to represent audio files. Most people are familiar with MP3 and how it shrinks down the file size of songs and other audio files. M4A and MP4 do the same thing as MP3 does, but even better. Quality is better and file sizes are usually smaller than MP3 files. But unlike MP3, no licenses or payments are required to be able to stream or distribute content in M4A format (unlike MP3 which requires you to pay royalties on content you distribute in MP3 format). This fact alone, is more than enough reason (due to the extreme cost savings) to use M4A files instead of MP3 files. In addition, M4A files tend to sound much better than MP3 files encoded at the same bitrate. What is the difference between M4A and MP4 files? I am a bit confused. This is the most popular question we get and seems to cause the most confusion to people new to MPEG 4 Audio. The existance of 2 different file extensions that can be used to represent MPEG 4 Audio files is unfortunate. MP4 files may or may not contain MPEG 4 Audio. If you see a M4A file you always know that it contains only MPEG 4 Audio<. MP4 can be used for MPEG 4 video files, combined video and audio files, or just plain MPEG 4 audio. Apple Computer started using and popularizing the M4A file extension to denote the file was an unprotected (non digital rights management) MPEG 4 Audio file. They did this because MP4 was too general (video, video/audio or audio) and might confuse some media players. Now MPEG 4 Audio has its own file extensions, M4A, to avoid any possible problems with being confused with video files. It is recommended that you use the .m4a file extension rather than .mp4 on your audio files. Up until recently, there was much confusion among MP4/M4A encoder and player software. Some programs (Nero, Compaact) used .mp4 while others (WinAmp 5.02, Apple iTunes, iPod) used .m4a to denote MPEG 4 Audio files. Most software developers have now enabled a user selectable option in their software to allow you to choose the default file extension you wish to use to save MPEG 4 Audio files with. Almost all audio players will now play back files using either the .m4a or .mp4 file extension for maximum compatibility. After all, both the .m4a and .mp4 container file formats are the same, they just have different file extensions. If your software program doesn't recognize your file extension, you can rename the file extension to the other one (i.e. m4a or mp4) and it should work. Source:
  • Shouldent you know, its your website
  • It's the new generation of sound file formats...after MP3's
  • Its a Audio file which is derived from MPEG layer 4,which can also support i_tunes tag. The raw data for M4A is encapsulated in a container. using ASF parser one has to break and decode the raw data. The container have one ASF header,either AAC-ADTF or AAC - M4A raw data. M4A comes under the group of AAC. So it is mainly used in streaming in network. For detail clarrification contact me at
  • So can you put a m4a file on your mp3 player and you ipod?

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