• Funny stereotype... I'd be curious to know how it got started... I can tell you from experience that the percentage of women that do not shave their armpits and legs is higher in the USA than in France... As far as tendencies, I think it depends on the circles they (or you) run in... Lesbians and/or women's rights activists would be more likely to let things grow I suppose. If I had to guess, I'd say women in muslim societies and such are the ones to shave the most. Their husbands would probably do something unthinkable to them if they didn't... I have absolutely no scientific proof whatsoever on this though, nor is it likely you'd ever find any
  • Well, I'm French and I do shave my legs and armpits regularly!! And I believe all my French friends do as well! Thanks God! I also shower on a daily basis...another stereotype about the French I heard!
  • Oh, this question brings back the greatest of my memories from school (an all girls school). We had a French teacher, who also happened to be Parisian. We were all sitting in class one day, when she got very excited about some sort of grammatical point she was making. She lifted up her arm to shout at us for not understanding, and there it was... She had the longest, thickest, most disgusting arm pit hair I have ever had the misfortune of seeing. You could have platted it. She achieved, just by lifting up her arms, what she'd been trying to achieve for weeks. absolute silence. nobody moved, or breathed. we were in shock. She wasn't the least embarassed and to this day I don't believe she saw the problem or social implications of not shaving one's under arms. When we went to France with her, we went swimming, and she didn't shave her legs either, though I must say it wasn't nearly as bad as her under arms. A lot of French women do shave their legs and armpits, the same as a lot of English women don't. I'd say about 90% of the French women I've met don't.
  • Haha no that's a horrible stereotype to still be passed around these days, the French all live in the 21st century with each and everyone of us along with plenty of soap and shaving cream.
  • I know from experience that French Canadian hippie girls don't shave.
  • There's a lot of anti-Frank sentiment in the U.K. and elsewhere, and I'd imagine this is where this stereotype was formed. To a lot of people, the idea of women not shaving their body hair is one of the most gross things imaginable. A stereotype like this plays on this widely considered social image. That's my explanation, anyway.
  • well, i had a french foreign exchange student stay at my house a couple years ago and she did not shave her armpits. yuck.
  • I'm american, but... Who cares if they don't? Do you realize how stupid it is to have to shave little specs of hair off our legs just because of what? and then get dry skin and bumps all over our legs for no good reason. while men can roam around resembling animals. PLEASE. EVERY single day to have to spend an extra hour in the sower razoring off every spec of hair?? How stupid! Or paying money weekly to painfully WAX the hair god gave you on your own flesh.
  • i find french women with armpits are so sexy...
  • It's how they were raised -- it's their culture and I admire them for it!
  • From the french women I've known, typically most shave their legs.
  • Saying women who don't shave is gross, is gross in itself. What's next, "woman who have eyebrows are repulsive"? If this kind of thinking keeps escalating, soon girls will be getting zapped with radiation at birth so they never grow hair in the first place.
  • I doubt that every woman in France do or dont. My French cousin does.
  • i'm english, and who cares???? if you care about such stuff then you're just shallow!! It's their life, their body, their decision, their culture.. leave them to it!!! for goodness' sake what's ging to happen next???? "urrrrr, arm hair!!!!"
  • I grew up shaving my armpits and legs and it is just the norm. I have been to France and have met women who do not and I don't find it attractive but just my opinion. Just something I am not used to.
  • It's not shallow and it does matter. It's the same as fat women. If they don't care enough about themselves to maintain their own image, how can I expect them to be the wife of my family? The mother of my children? Women that don't care enough about themselves to stay attractive are sending a message to me loud and clear. I'm neglectful and couldn't care less about me and anyone associated with me.
  • That's just the French feminists.
  • yes french men do it for them.
  • Yes. And more.

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