• By kneeling and quietly watching closly while a master quickly throws a hundred in a row, ... and then you throwing ten or twenty thousand yourself in accummulated practice while the master gives minor directions for the refinement of the blade throwing skill.
  • if you're right handed and using the proper 4.5 through 5.5 inch throwing kunai. you hold the eyelette through between your thumb and your middle finger knuckleand your index finger with your finger nail right on the widest point of the kunai blade. Stand with your left foot forward and you're right foot perpendicular with the center of your right heal directly on the line made from your left middle toe to the center of your left foot. Now (use the below chart as your point of reference as though you were facing the zero)Hold your right arm up so your elbow is at eye level and your arm is at the 115 mark. Then snap your arm forward and let go just at the 15 mark. Pointers: 1(this one will take much less time with practice) Before your throw take 3 deep breaths and tense your gut, then relax your gut as you allow the tension to creepup your torso then relax torso as you allow the tension to creap to your shoulder and in the same pattern down your arm and to your hand and keep your hand tense. Just as you let the Kunai go, Allow the tension to leave your hand with it.Before you allow th tension to move take a fourth inhale. The tension should go all the way from your gut to your hand in a single long exhale. 2After the tension goes to your hand take another deep breath and sharply exhale as you throw the kunai. The entire exhale should be donw from the time the hand moves from the 115 degree to the 15 degree range. 3: Begin at a distance of 3 feet from the target. The distance of 3 feet will be the measurement between your hand when fully streatched toward the target and the target penetration surface. 4Kunai Style, You must throw the correct type of kunai with a rounded eyelet and a ¼ inch thick blade to allow for proper flight technique. The blade will act as a flight and the eyelet will create drag. The proof's in the pudding. I can throw a 1.5" kunai 20' through the air (straight throw no spinning) and hit a 10 ' diameter 9 out of 10 throws. and I'd say about 1 out of 20 or 30 the kunai goes horraibly awry flying all wabbly and hits wrong. But I never claimed to be a master. Be thankful. I know some Shidoshi that will be really pissed that I put this online. but if you have any questions or if they want to harrass me, you can find me at
  • I've never actually tried with real knives (I'm too young to) but the kunai that I've seen other people throw are places in between the index and middle finger, with a thumb to keep it in place. Unlike what the media says are "kunai knives," the kunai blades I've seen are actually quite small and thin -- small enough to fit between your two fingers.
  • Curious. The Kunai I know of are more like trowels. Sort of fish shaped, convex blunt sides, with a point. There are plenty of interesting things to do with them, but people seem to be describing something else entirely - a very small tool designed for throwing.
  • I CAN THROW PENS VERY WELL A KUNI WOULD BE EASYER LOL i hit this kid at school he looked a bit shocoked when i hit him in the back with my byro

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