• I agree. Just look at how patriotism makes people think state-paid killing is justified.
  • Absolutely. The trick is knowing the difference. Very tricky indeed.
  • I agree. Just look at the Nazi regime and the atrocities that were committed in the name of the "truth".
  • i suppose that the ku klux klan were an example of that.
  • Yes, they can. But that is not necessarily the sole source of atrocity though either. It is possible to have people commit atrocity without believing in an absurdity
  • yes... my ex-boyfriend's mother teached him to be an nazi.. an ignorant, to hit people... that every woman is a bitch looking for money... and he is a very nice person, but when he is nervous and insecure those "teachings" appears (i'm brazilian, sorry, i dont know the right word!) he's so cute and sweet.. but a "Clockbomb(?)" giving his life for another one cause.. i can't stand him anymore. because he provocates me with those comments. well.. i send these lines to him today..("Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" think about that please, u can't be this jerk) i hope it works and make him think about being an enteire(?) person
  • Yes, I believe it because there is evidence . Just counting religion alone, this has been true (Doesn't apply to every person - am I safe yet LOL
  • very true, millions of people have been killed for the "right cause" this still happens to this day. world media exist to sell ad space & promote someones private point of view - Murdock, Branson, Turner - even Jerry springer -- - they all have a private agenda
  • Sure- they could convince you of anything, then get you to do something about it thinking you're doing "the right thing" and then you go and do something stupid. Think religious wars.
  • Yes. If we are willing to believe the absurd it won't be necessary to 'make' us commit atrocities, we will volunteer. Humans aren't much different than animals, feed them and they will follow you. (doesn't have to be just food) P.T. Barnum said a sucker is born every minute.
  • Those are powerful words! If I believe in something so absurd, it could make me stand fast in my belief. Stand so firmly in my belief, that I just might do anything. I think that means I could commit atrocities in the name of my belief. Be calm! I don't believe that much in anything.
  • Why are people willing to believe the absurd? Paranoia. When people are scared, fearful, they are willing to do anything, they are easy to manipulate.
  • Witness: any and all "holy wars"!

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