• Yup! It's not fun, thats for sure...but it's important. Not only does it help with learning and refreshing ideas, but it teaches discipline.
  • No. In my high school, private school, we never had homework unless it was reading or finish a paper we had to write.
  • no i dont think it is. I reckon that when we were at school we spent enough time doing work there and i think home time should be for having fun etc not doing school work
  • naw, i never did my homwork in hi skool and i terned out allright.
  • Yep, sorry I guess you dont :-) But education is VERY important, and home work is part of it, still a pain I know, but you will be glad you did it one day.
  • There is recent evidence to suggest that homework is not helpful,particularly in the very young grades. I personally don't think that standard homework such as worksheets are particularly useful. What I do think is useful homework are projects that students can choose that incorporate various academic ideas and that teach you how math, science, history, language...are all related and that you really do need to know all of those subjects and how they work in your life on a day to day basis. I think certain assigned reading is useful homework, only because you don't have time in school to read various novels. You have to take your time at home to do that. Sitting and doing hours of copy editing to learn grammar, or countless pages of algebra equations, is probably not all that useful.
  • "it's not fun but it is necessary" "you will be glad you did it someday" "it helps you remember what you learned during the school day" ....utter bull! Not one unsolicited study will prove this but in fact might suggest the opposite. How many parents sounding off in these discussions are in favor of bringing their work home with them? I'm curious how many of you would stay in your suits just to make a few sales for the company after 7pm. Responsibility is not learned through repetitive, mandatory actions but through succesful or responsive results. This rediculously outdated conservative notion of "homework = good ol responsibility" is a scapegoate for not having a better answer for sinking national education interests. Hypocrites have no right to expect school kids to learn anything from their opinions if THEY rely on company software to do their daily calculus for them.
  • It is very necessary so do your homework everynight.
  • Yes... It makes you learn how to learn. If you don't know how to learn, you will not make it in the corporate world!
  • I'm against it. If teachers would do their job at school, we wouldn't need homework and kids could have plenty of time with their families.
  • Yup, totally. If you can't study in your own time, making good habits, going over material to get a thorough understanding, fixing your errors and advancing your skills, then you may as well be a potato.
  • some yes. but some of it's just evil busy work to gain points and it's honestly not a reinforcer and it adds to stress and doesn't teach me not to's really quite useless after junior year in high school
  • I'm tempted to launch into discussion of why today's youth are getting dumber. But I don't think I will. I'll just leave it at this: In schools, homework is not the problem. It's the teaching methods.
    • Hardcore Conservative
      Not only that, but the lessons that are learned (or not learned) at home.
  • Yep. It's all about learning and growing up.
  • definitely

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