• Double the tax shown on the bill to edit my answer - GENERALLY this is a quick and easy way to calculate a tip assuming the state you are in HAS tax. If not, I guess your shit out of luck - whip out the calculator. And if you are going to critique someones answer, I think you should supply your own answer as well.
  • Calculate it based on the sales tax. For instance, where I live the sales tax is 7%. So a 15% tip is about twice the sales tax (7% x 2 = 14%), and a 20% tip is about 3 times the sales tax (7% x 3 = 21%). If you want to leave a 10% tip, just take the final bill and move the decimal point one space to the left. For instance, if the bill is $12.95, a 10% tip will be $1.29. A 20% tip will be twice that, or $2.58.
  • 10% of your bill is the same as moving the decimal point left one place 10% of 24.60 is 2.46 half of 2.46 is 1.23 (so now you know 5% of 24.60) 2.46 (10%) plus 1.23 (5%) = 3.69 (I'm all for rounding up to make things easier too.) If you want to leave 20% just take 10% times two. If the numbers still feel too tricky round until they're something you're comfortable dividing by two. (You may leave a few cents more, but you'll be oh so suave calculating that tip without missing a beat.) Your dinner at a fancy restaurant is $237.62. If you round it to 240.00, take 10% 24.00, halve that 12.00, and add 'em =36.00 (if you'd calculated to the penny you'd save $0.36 and lose a few more valuable seconds of your life.) As you can see, even with a pretty big bill rounding to the next even number won't cost you dearly. Of course in a good restaurant or with good service look more toward doubling 10% than penny pinching 15%. It also helps to have these rules of thumb if you want to give a little more than 15%. In the example above you know that 36.00 is 15% of 240.00 you also know that 5% is 12.00. Now you have a good idea of how much is a little more, but still not quite 20%. By all means, see how well this works for tipping more than 20% whenever you're inclined to do so!
  • About 30 years ago when I was working in a restaurant, we all agreed that we would never leave what we call a "[expletive deleted] tip," that is, one that was calculated to exactly 15%. When we were out on the town, we rounded up to the nearest quarter. Still a good practice, but even with a small bill it's polite to give a dollar a person, minimum. It's more than polite. It's kind. The server isn't a robot, but a respectworthy individual who has made your experience more pleasant than it would have been at a self-serve cafeteria line. For really bad service, leave a very small tip, rather than none at all. If you leave none at all, the server thinks you're stingy (a "stiff") and sees no relationship between his/her poor service and the tip. Two nickels is ideal, because it says you are intentionally leaving a small tip, not that you're down to your last change. Two pennies would be a positive insult and would never be called for--you'd have walked out if service was that bad.
  • Your answer is quick and simple. if your total bill is $30, then 10% or $3.00. but, if you had extremely good service or you like your waiter, the sky is the limit. see......simple!
  • 2 ways to figure out 15% is $1.50 for every $10 or $1 for every $7.
  • I generally round the bill up, after tax, to the nearest dollar and then multiply that by 15%. If the service was really good I'll add more on top of that.
  • I usually calculate 10% by moving the decimal, then when you double it you have 20%. Then I decide based on the service whether to go with the low number, the high number or somewhere in between. I almost always tip whole dollars. So if the bill is $31.20, 10% is $3.12, 20% is $6.24. I'd probably tip $3 if service was below par, $4 if it was average, $5 if it was pretty good and $6 if it was excellent. If I was ignored completely I leave 1 cent so they know I didn't forget but they get the message.
  • However you figure it, use the taxless subtotal as your basis.
  • Double the tax or 20% is easy to calculate. Move the decimal one place to the left then double that..
    • Lilo Avli
      Huh ?
  • I never tip. No one tips me to assemble car seats.
    • Linda Joy
      You shouldn't be peeing in them! You'll never get a tip that way!
  • The garbage with the sales tax is too complicated. Round the bill either up or down. Dont deal with the change. 10 percent is just a matter of moving the decimal point. That's your base number. Half of that added to it is a 15 percent tip. Twice that is a 20 percent tip. Exceptional service toss in a few bucks over that.
  • you could just ask the people at the restaurant how much youre supposed to tip
  • Well figuring out 10% of the bill is super easy and then just split that in half for the other 5% and add them together or double the 10% if you're a good Tipper
  • Assuming good service I double the total bill number then move the decimal to the left! then you have 20% Example:: Bill is $16 then its 32 then $3.20 (If you want to be a stickler for accuracy double cost before tax)
  • You shouldn't. Instead, have increments of 5 or 10% of bill based on the quality of service or the food. That way you're being honest and consistent.

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