• carrots?
  • Letttuce, any garden food....Because they ussually the heck out of my garden
  • Rabbits really love fruit. Papaya especially. Bananas (sparingly!!, they are fattening and could upset the rabbit's digestion) Apples, grapes, strawberries. If you're wondering about veggies, go for romaine lettuce. NO ICEBERG. ICEBERG WILL KILL THEM. :) Thought I should emphasize that haha. Carrots, Kale (a scrunchy green leafy plant), bell peppers... Avoid cabbage and spinach. Just remember Peter Cottontail, it's true about spinach, it makes bunnies sick. If you want to be extra nice, go pick up a bag of timothy hay from the store and just spread it around where you're putting the food. It's good roughage and rabbits looooove it. :)
  • Rabbits really love dandelion leaves, and they are good for them.
  • If they are real young and still need to be nursed then buy supplemental kitten formula, then when they start eating regular food (I would say around 5 months to be safe) give them alfalfa sprouts to start and then gradually give them other food. I learned this when I had 9 babies from our neighborhood and wrote this forum and got answers. P.S. Their digestive enzymes don't develope well because they need to eat they're mom's dropping to form. That's why you have to bottle feed them so long. I ended up with only one making it, thankfully we were able to release him a week ago.

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