Desmond Tutu, Jesse Jackson
Russel Crow. Seen pleanty from afar but Russel was the only one I actually met.
I've met Jason Alexander before. Seeing as he and my father were friends through high school and college, it makes sense.
Phylicia Rashad... she was very prim and proper and like she thinks she's the queen of England. I liked her much, much better before I met her
I have met a couple local politicians..cant remember there names, Tommy from the TV show "Martin," Raheem DeVaughn, Diamond D, and Clarence Thomas. Might be a couple others..
Ernest Borgnine, Bob Dylan, Goldie Hawn, James Brolin, Bill Cosby, Herb Alpert, Flip Wilson, Angela Lansbury, Most of the original Star Trek cast, Barbara Eden, Nancy Kulp (Jane Hathaway in Beverly Hillbillies) Don Adams, etc...
Ernest Borgnine, Bob Dylan, Goldie Hawn, James Brolin, Bill Cosby, Herb Alpert, Flip Wilson, Angela Lansbury, Most of the original Star Trek cast, Barbara Eden, Nancy Kulp (Jane Hathaway in Beverly Hillbillies) Don Adams, etc...
The cast of One Tree Hill and Taylor Swift.
I havn't met very many famous people. I did get my picture taken with a girl from Laguna Beach once, does that count?
Gordie Howe (Hockey player - Detroit Red Wings)
Tom cruise and John travolta both of them came to my cousins local as she lives close to the scientology headquarters.
I met Chris farley.They were shoting movie like a block away from my house. I also used to be friends with pamela andersons cousins
I met Chris farley.They were shoting movie like a block away from my house. I also used to be friends with pamela andersons cousins
Elvis Presley!
met and smoked with mc chris. not very famous of a person but what do you want from me.
Stephen Fry. He was sweet and friendly and had lovely warm hands. I wouldn't normally approach a famous person but he's one of my favourites. The most famous person I've been in the same room as was the Queen.
Does Jesus count?
Nick Faldo (English golfer.) I live in England, and I'm a big golf fan, so that was amazing to ME!
Mohammad Ali and Joan Rivers. Many more, but I don't want to brag. =)
I smoked a J backstage at a concert with the band called "A Beautiful Day" in Speyer, Germany - 1971. They sang Whitebird.
The most famous person would be David Lee Roth. Actually, we were not formally introduced but we did exchange a few friendly words. If introductions count, then I guess Chris Isaak would be the most famous person that I have ever actually met.
I used to know Shane Meadows, the film director quite well, but that was before he was famous. I met the Human League once, they're quite famous.
The boxer with the last name Lenord. He sat next to me at the counter when we had breakfast at a place on Miami Beach (Collins ave. at 51st st.). He was in training before he was a contender.
Robert Goulet, The Three Stooges (I was very young), Clint Walker, Loretta Lynn, Clayton Moore (Lone Ranger), John Kay (Steppenwolf)
I was lucky enough to meet Ray Charles once at the Flamingo in Las Vegas. He was a very nice man.
The most famous was probably President Jimmy Carter, or Michael Stipes from R.E.M.(Although he wasn't all that famous when I met him.)
sandra bullock
Well I've seen a lot of famous people at concerts. I actually smoked a cigarette with JOHN DIGWEED. I was outside his show after it was over smoking a cigarette (which I dont do anymore btw) and he came out and talked with me then got in his Lancer and drove off. I'm in LOVE! I also met the red Power Ranger when I was younger.
I was on a job in Ventura when they were filming the movie Swordfish, I saw John Travolta and Don Cheadle. I've also seen Erick Avari (or someone who looks uncannily like him at a computer store once, and Sam Anderson ( at an Apple store once.
Al Gore. like Jackie said I have seen LOTS of concerts.. I was waiting for a New order concert (I was first in line) and peter hook drove up to me and my friend in a yellow corvette.. with both looked at each other and him.. then he waited for us to acknowledge him, but then he drove off (cause both of us were shocked and waiting for the other one) I also hung out with all four members of the Throwing Muses (especially Tonya Donnelly)
I saw Tito
I was at a Willie Nelson concert at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi, Texas. My sister and I snuck up the isle to get a closer picture. He waved at us, but we didn't realize he was waving at US. He waved again, and again we ignored it because we didn't know. Finally, he stopped, grabbed his guitar, and waved it and his arms around to get our attention until we realized he was waving at us! Embarrassing, but a great memory nonetheless.
I saw My Chemical Romance at a concession stand type thing.
Soleil Moon-Frye
Sat in a movie theater next to Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Go to church with Bradley Whitford (West Wing), Jane Kaczmarek (Malcolm in the Middle), Tony Shaloub (Monk) and Chad Allen (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman). Alison Arngrim ("Nellie Olsen", Little House on the Prairie) came to my wedding. Saw Meshach Taylor (Designing Women) at the grocery store. Chatted extensively with Angie Dickenson (Police Woman). Have seen Michael Landon and Victor French (Little House), and Juliette Lewis while they were filming on locations where I happened to be. Jesse Jackson and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have preached at my church. Can you tell I live in Los Angeles?
When I was seven, I saw/shook hands with/mildly insulted Stephen King at a book signing in Seatle. (I was seven, it was late, so I was tired and cranky, and let's be fair here, he *Does* wear very thick glasses!)
Cher, even shook her hand. I was not duly impressed. But then "famous" people are people too and most prefer to be treated like people....
john kerry, paul oakenfold
i've seen tim mcgraw and Big & rich in a concert once
I have seen Shakti Kapoor (a Bollywood actor) in an airport.
Bill Clinton at a McDonald's in Farmington, New Mexico.
I worked with Gary Coleman for a little while.
I had coffee with Blur... and shouted at Robbie Williams cos he was rude rude rude to me and a friend.
The Queen.
Charles Barkley at a benefit basketball game in Olathe, Kansas. Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius at the Kansas Governor's Turkey Hunt Banquet in El Dorado, Kansas (i was running a camera for a local tv channel)
I gave the directions to Montreal's "rue Saint Denis & Boulevard René Lévesque" to the limo driver with Brad Pitt in it ... he smiled and waved but would not speak. I've met the Dhali Lama. I had lunch with Leslie Neilson when he was doing TV commercials for the Bank of Montreal back in the 1970s ... my mother worked at the bank they were filming at. I saw Alice Cooper in a restauraunt in Vancouver back in the 1980s. I heard a child's voice say, "uncle Alice ..." and just had to turn around to look ... sure enough, it was him at a table for 12 with several families. Shook hands with Paul Newman at the Montreal Molson Indy races while working as security. ... a few more minor celebs ...
I dont know if US peeps will know this guy but... A extremely tall black UK Comedian and TV Host Lenny Henry was filming an advert in Brighton, UK were I lived and during a break came out and had a go on my skateboard! As I was only 9 or so that demanded maximum street cred at school... lol
When I was a chef I cooked for: Delia Smith Egon Ronay Alan Shearer Noel Gallagher Kat Deeley Marc Almond Marcel Desailly Not all together - it wasn't some weird celeb dining club or something.
I've seen Debra Winger and Jeff Daniels as they filmed the movie Terms of Endearment, this was at University of Ne-Lincoln AKA Kearney in the movie
I have met former Aussie PM Malcolm Fraser and many politicians, mostly of the past (as my dad was in politics in the 70s). I have met many of the greats of Aussie Rock, some several times. I am in email contact with some of them.
I met Jaclyn Smith and Robert Mitchum when they were at the Wigwam Resort filming "NightKill"
Terry Bozzio
Father Christmas
Pope John Paul II
once i was drunk at a bar and tom green came in. i thought i was just really drunk but no tommy was there.
You be the judge of who's the most "famous", none of them are really top-tier: Brad Delp (RIP) Sid Haig Michael Rooker TV Weatherman Al Kaprielian Brian Malko Kane Hodder Tom Atkins Betsy Palmer (Mrs. Voorhees) Beefcake (from GWAR) "Marvelous" Marvin Hagler David Sedaris
If you mean talked to Steven Taylor, Peter Beardsley or Steve Pete. I've also talked to the Chuckle Brothers but they don't really count. Ooh, I almost forgot that I said "Hello" to the Queen and she replied :D
MOST famous? Hmmm. That would be a tie between Lyndon Baynes Johnson and Janis Joplin. : ))
Brad Pitt or Kurt Cobain..depending on what you're into!
I met George Parros of the Anaheim Ducks one day. =)
Between living in Seattle and traveling a lot, I have met and talked to many famous people. Bono ran into me with his luggage cart in Heathrow, I taught Raymond Lenard (sp?), the boxing manager how to use his Palm Pilot in a bar in LAX, exchanged recipes with Bill Nye in a grocery store, told Donald Sutherland that my wife has had a crush on him for years at LAX, and many more random exchanges. And I am 0 degrees of seperation from Kevin Bacon.
I guess for me it would be Elvis Presley. He signed an 8X10 color glossy for me in 1956. This year marks the 40th anniversary of when I threw that photo away because I was sooo into the Cream and Hendrix. I considered Elvis to be part of the violently reactionary, 1950's greaser culture. Now I guess some trash collector is part of the Lexus-owning culture. ;)
I met Danny Glover in an upscale sushi place in downtown San Francisco in 1999! I was too chicken to go and get his autograph, well I am too mannerly let's put it that way! I didnt want to risk being shoo-ed away or being classified as an annoying fan. So I just took a picture without him seeing!! HAHAHAHA :)
Oh, and I met Tommy Chong last year at the 20th annual Cannibus Cup held in Amsterdam, Holland. Still smokin' ;) LOL
I have met Brittney Spears while working behind the scenes on a movie.I was unimpressed and did not care much for I have seen other famous people before her.
I saw Keysha Cole in a airport, though we didn't chat due to the fact that I was almost missing my flight! Also, my bro saw Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, who was also called Stryder, who also played the lead role in Hidalgo). I have only met one Person really famous that I have actually talked to, though I have yet to actually meet Him.
I've met Matthew, the drummer for the band Arctic Monkeys, cause he came to the place where I was working last summer. He was very kind! But I would really like meet Steven Gerrard!
Kiefer Sutherland and Ray Liotta. George Brett too.
Gwen Stephani.
Aha. The queen. Well. She walked past me without looking. That counts...
David Cronenberg. I watched him smoke a cigarette at Burger King.
The Sultan of Brunei - I cashed a cheque for him in the Strand Branch of Citibank in London(they pulled it down now though!)
George Gobel, Jerry Lewis, William Boyd, Roy Rogers, Danny Bonaduce and KITT car.
Tim Sample. I know what y'all are thinking: Who the heck is that?
Bruce Campbell. We even exchanged a few emails on backpacking experiences, and he sent a few on site pictures while filming Hercules and Xena. One he was totally covered in mud.
I walked past and almost brushed shoulders with Jesse Jackson in the downtown area of my hometown where he's also from. His security detail were eyeing me, but I didn't even realize it was him until I'd walked the next block.
i shook johnny rotten's hand.
unfortunately only donnie mclercan(sp) hes a gospel singer
i stood and talked to victoria wood for a while she was filming housewife 49 near my house that film rocked
martha ray and the venderettes
Henry Rollins
will smith no really i meet him at 11 and again at 13.
Richard Simmons, the zany king of aerobic dancing to "Party Off the Pounds". A kinder man you will never meet.
Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter (before Carter was elected or even nominated).
Smoked a joint with Willie Nelson a few times!
Queen Elizabeth II, at a Buckingham Palace garden party.
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