• Wow, have you got an hour? Seriously though, I'll try to summarize what you might want to know. There is little profit in computer sales, so you really do get what you pay for. You basically have 2 general options on how to buy, get a brand name system from a box store or get a custom system from a mom and pop store. Making a choice is hard because you have to know what your needs are first, then have to try and match a system to those needs. The problem is, you can't usually trust a salesperson, who is less interested in your real needs and most interested in moving product out the door. My advice is not simple, but it is effective. Find other people who use their computers for the same kinds of tasks you do (or will do). Ask them everything you can about their systems. What they like or not about it, what mistakes they may have made in the purchase, etc. It's not just about the hardware either. Ask what they got for free (software) with the system and if it offered any real value. Just as important is customer service. If you hear tales of poor return policies, repair times or things of that nature, you might be wise to reconsider that vendor / brand. Ask lots of people. This information will assist you in making a decision. Here's a secret - even the most informed people buy stuff, then realize they could have waited 2 more weeks and got a better system for less money, so don't sweat it too much. Try to become as informed as you can and stick to your plan / budget.

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