• Homosexuality is sin according to God. Jesus came to pay the price for our sin, good news! "whosoever covers his sin will not go unpunished, but whoever confesses and foraskes it will have mercy" Proverbs. There is hope for sinners like us! Jesus says go and sin no more. Christ blood cleanses us from ALL sin. He says, repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ and you will be saved. This is for all peoples.
  • The Church has been pretty clear on this subject. It is the acts that are condemned, not the feelings. God does not accept same sex marriages. Therefore, you find yourself in the same predicament as an unmarried heterosexual in that any sexual behavior is fornication and a sin. So, until you can have a health marital relationship with someone of the opposite sex, you should abstain from all sex. If you do this you can have a close relationship with God and be a worthy member of the Church. It would be acting on your inappropriate feelings, not the feelings themselves that would condemn you. The radical homosexuals don't like people talking about this, but there are programs out there that claim to cure people of their homosexual desires. The radicals don't like these programs because, if they do indeed cure homosexuals, then that proves that homosexuality is a choice. Personally, I don't know much about these programs as I have not had a need for them. However, one such program that you might be interested in is called Evergreen ( They recognize that such programs as theirs are not for everyone, but they do claim to have success in helping people such as you.
  • I watched a documentary about the Mormons lifestyle etc just last week - they spoke of just that thing. A man who was gay had to choose to get married to a woman, had kids - all just to be "right" with God and to not be excommunicated from the Mormon church & family. The only other choice he had was to remain celebate.... If this is indeed the Mormon teachings, then yes, you can still have God in your life but must remain celebate -
  • Just do what makes YOU happy. Nevermind about folklore and a place called "hell." It's just one big scare tactic. Be happy in your life, it's the only one you have.
  • once your a good person thats all that counts!!!!!
  • Of course you can still have god in your life, if you choose to do so. I know a lesbain who is also mormon and is consummed with guilt because she has a partner with whom she is romantic.Why should she be alone for her entire life? No man can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt what god wants for you. Maybe it would help to pray about it?
  • Your relationship with god is between you and god... there is no need for a priest, minister, bishop, rabbi to get in the middle of it. You may chose to follow certain rituals or participate in a certain church. If that church shuns you, it doesn't mean your god has shunned you. Step forward on your two feet and own your spirituality - don't allow it to be dictated to you.
  • Perhaps you can't have God in your life *as a Mormon*; I don't pretend to know whether you can mentally reconcile yourself to that. But it's not about forcing yourself into believing something; that's pretending, and not sustainable. As a human, you can absolutely know God; nothing can separate you from the love of God. God created you, God sustains you every moment, God loves you as his precious child, God will not judge you. Breathe, and be still, perhaps slowly praying a favorite prayer (eg, 23rd Psalm). I think you'll feel calm, and peaceful, not coerced.
  • Dump the church... Why would god make people GAY if being GAY is a sin? You dont need religion. Be happy with who you are , and dont let any ORGANIZED religion convince you that what you feel is wrong..
  • If God doesn't care whether you're black or white, man or woman, child or adult, blonde or red-headed, why would he care if you're gay? It's simply another aspect of your being.
  • As a Mormon in order to avoid hell you will have to follow those rules. And that means either marriage or celabacy. If that doesn't fit with how you want to live your life then you need to find a church that will accept you. Which the Mormon faith does not. To me I don't think god really cares if you're gay or not after all this is the way he made you. And god dosen't make mistakes. And your relationship with him is between you and him. Not you, him, and a bunch of other people. And I don't think he's going to send you to hell because of the way he made you. To me he cares more about what's in your heart and if your a good person not if you follow the tribal laws of a religion. That's man not god.
  • If you choose to be gay & LDS you could could check out... Your life & lifestyle are between you & God no one can really be your judge....
  • Well it's been an interesting mixture of answers. But from my own experience, being gay is a Gift from God. The more I tried to ask God to take it away from me the more that lead me into the depths of dispair and a downward spiritual spiral. You know what the bible discribes as the wages of sin. As soon as I decided to accept the Gift God had given me I felt the Peace of God. The scriptures have taught me that you will learn to know the good from the evil through your own experience. People interpret the bible in many ways. There is a lot more said in the bible about God's love and acceptance than there is about any condemnation of homosexuality. Most of those scriptures are misquoted and out of context anyway. If you take the bible literally then women shouldn't speak in church either. If you want to understand what the bible really says about homosexuality go to their is some great information there, i.e. Resources for Creating Dialogue with our LDS Families for Defending The Rights of our GLBT Community with links directoy to the LDS Scriptures for documentation. There is also, The Blue Book - What We Wish We Had Known - Presbyterian Church. I would change the question to say, "Is it possible for a gay mormon antagonist to still have God in their life, or are they just doomed to hell?"
  • If you believe in the word of God then you know God made us all. Why would he have made more than 10% of the worlds population gay obviously not to hate he loves all his children. A persons sexual orientation is not a life choice it is the way people are made.
  • It is not possible for a Mormon or homosexual to have God in their life. But do not fear. God can deliver you and lead you to a personal relationship of righteousness with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. All you need to do is give your heart to Him now. Bow your head and pray for Jesus to come into your heart aand life and wash your sins away with His precious blood. Ask that you be born again in His Holy Spirit. I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, "You must be born again." The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
  • Of course, accept Jesus as your Saviour, renounce your sinful lifestyle and live in love and peace as best as you are able.
  • To return to the presence of Heavenly Father we must obey the commandments that he has set forth. Heavenly Father gave us our free agency in hopes that we would make the right decisions and follow his plan of Salvation to return to him after physical death. God does not " make gay people" you choose that lifestyle for yourself. Best I can say is to Pray. Ask him for help and guidance to lead you in the right path. Heavenly Father wil never abandon you but he also cannot guarantee a ticket to heaven for you. I don't doubt that you are a good person. Your sexual orientation does not determine the kind of person you are. You are Mormon and know that the church does not accept this lifestyle. It is not that the people there love you anyless. But when we made that Baptismal covenant with Heavenly Father we promised to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things (Mosiah). We need to be that example to others and a homosexual lifestyle is not an example to set forth. I am sure this is a hard time for you but Heavenly father is there and loves you and is waiting for your prayers. Here are some verses in the bible that touch on homosexuality. I hope they are of some good help. Good Luck. Also try maybe talking to your Bishop. Anything you talk to him about is confidential. *GENESIS 1:28: "Be fruitful and multiply" *Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." *Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." *Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet."
  • I am a firm believer that The true word of God is written in the hearts of all men. I think we know at a very young age that which is right and wrong and that which is pleasant or not in the eyes of God. I believe what maybe right for some does not apply to all. I do not think we can be judged by the actions of others so therefore sins are not so defined. If you feel that being a gay mormon displeases God then i would stop and if you do not feel it does then do not worry. only you can know the answer from that which you truly feel. I think it is impossible not to have God in your life.
  • Read last months Ensign great article. Bottom line is, as long as you do not commit a si; having homosexual traits, feelings, etc. will not comdemn you, acting on them will. Just like acting on any sin will cause you to not make it; if and until you repent. Good luck and do not give in the the natural man, hang on to the god embryo you are.
  • god made you that way for a reason
  • There are gay LDS groups/churches that while they are not condoned by the LDS church they offer support for gay mormons and a different take on the homosexual issue than the accepted mormon line... This may be of use.. Or you could try any of the many other religions (both christian and non-christian) which do not preach intolerance...
  • you can always become atheist
  • If you are a PRACTICING homosexual then you have a problem with ongoing sin. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and you are worried about your walk with the Lord then pray for guidence and remember Luke 9:62 "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
  • I'm LDS, I'm not gay lesbien or whatever but although all those bible reference are true (in the view point of LDS)I refuse to judge people like based on gender race or sexuality. If you believe the church is true, you have to live to what you believe to be true.When your sexuality contridicts thats when you make your choice and judgement will be between you and God and no one else. Do you want to stick to your natrual feeling and be gay and still be mormon? Then you have to stick to the same standards as everyone else in that there's no sexual realtions before marriage, so that would mean a huge sacrifice and I'm not going to pretend it will be easy either way you will sacrfice a lot. As for God in your life? Yes, you can still have God in your life, its only you and God who can decide your fate. The leaders of the church say 'love the sinner not the sin'(again a LDS opinion please do not get mad at that) so the way I see it God loves all his children, he will never stop loving all his children, otherwise God would be inconsistant and changing. My best friend (not in the church) is gay and honestly he's living his life the best way he knows how and with all the good he does in his life I would refuse to go to heaven if he ended up in hell. God still loves you, council with those close to you and with God, there you will find peace.
  • The short answer is, "Yes!" (I bear first-hand witness of this), but there is a lot you should know about the Church's stance on this issue. The position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on homosexuality has softened noticeably in the past decade, but it has not capitulated (and likely will never capitulate) on its clear stance on the Law of Chastity and the fundamental immorality of extra-marital sexual activity, including all homosexuality activity. The Church affirms, further, in its "Declaration on the Family" (which effectively has the status of canonical doctrine) that gender is an essential, unchanging and eternal attribute of all humans, reaffirming the incompatibility of homosexual marriage with this principle. However, the overall current stance of the Church is noticeably more sensitive and understanding, especially when contrasted with the harsh rhetoric of Spencer W. Kimball and others in the not-so-distant past. (My bishop even called Kimball's language "harsh"). The current stance of the Church can be summarized thusly: They now acknowledge that homosexual attraction is a very powerful reality for many people, and that it is quite often unchosen and unchangeable. Those who experience same-sex attraction are welcome as full participants in the life, worship and ordinances of the Church, including priesthood and temple blessings, but they are expected to uphold the law of chastity like any other heterosexual member. In short: the Church maintains that there is no sin, blame or transgression in experiencing homosexual *attraction*, but there is sin in homosexual *behavior*. Those who are unable marry in this life must remain celibate. The answer to this question, and the stance of the Church on homosexuality, is clearly articulated in a new official publication/pamphlet, entitled "God Loveth His Children". If you are seeking a clearly stated answer to your question, I suggest reading it, available in PDF format here: I also recommend reading a very recent article in Ensign magazine, from the October 2007 issue, by Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, titled "Helping Those Who Struggle with Same-Gender Attraction" (Liahona, Oct. 2007, 40–43; or Ensign, Oct. 2007, 42–45). (The language of this article closely follows the aforementioned pamphlet.) The following quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley in 1998 also sheds light on the evolving attitude of the Church toward homosexuals and homosexuality: "People inquire about our position on those who consider themselves so-called gays and lesbians. My response is that we love them as sons and daughters of God. They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control. Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church. If they violate the law of chastity and the moral standards of the Church, then they are subject to the discipline of the Church, just as others are. We want to help these people, to strengthen them, to assist them with their problems and to help them with their difficulties. But we cannot stand idle if they indulge in immoral activity, if they try to uphold and defend and live in a so-called same-sex marriage situation. To permit such would be to make light of the very serious and sacred foundation of God-sanctioned marriage and its very purpose, the rearing of families" (Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, Nov. 1998, 71). I will acknowledge that, despite the increased sensitivity of the official stance of the Church, the way *members* of the Church, including local priesthood leaders, deal with the issue is not always sensitive or fully in accordance with the spirit of the Church's official position. Many homosexuals will still continue to receive unfair treatment that is out of harmony with the official policies or position of the Church, simply because the members are human, imperfect, and fallible, and often simply fail to understand this complex and difficult issue. While homosexual behavior is, technically, no more or less sinful than heterosexual fornication outside of marriage, it is often dealt with more harshly by leaders who fail to understand that. This disconnect between policy and practice is probably more true inside the "Wasatch Front" culture and other rural/conservative areas -- cultural prejudice is powerful and difficult to change. On a personal note, I am a gay man and a practicing Mormon who lived an openly gay lifestyle, outside the Church, for many years. I have since returned to the Church, and have been accepted with warmth and open arms. There are existing support systems for people like me within the Church community. I still consider myself gay -- I do not deny that part of myself, and I do not believe change is possible in this life, nor do I plan to marry. However, I do believe I can live a life in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ and in good standing with His church. It's not easy, but it's certainly rewarding. You have to keep an eternal perspective. (Frankly, it also helps to live in a large metropolitan area outside of Utah -- local church members and leaders are likely to be more sensitive on this issue, just like their non-Mormon neighbors.)
  • Ask God. He is your judge, not us. Of course, you cannot be sealed in the temple to a person of the same sex, which means you cannot have the blessings that accompany that covenant. How are you supposed to have children (or spirit children) without a wife? You cannot reach your full potential without a wife, but that doesn't mean you cannot be all that you can be, or that being gay in and of itself is a prescription for hellfire and brimstone. If you choose to act out your gay feelings, you may find that you lack the Holy Spirit, the opportunity to attend the temple, and other blessings valued by other members of the Church. I am not gay, and am not completely sensitive to your situation, but pray for you as you figure this out.
  • Life is a test to see if we will be completely obedient to what he says. We are all in different ways tempted to participate in sin, but we all must reject those temptation and be obedient to God if we hope to pass the test and be exalted.
  • To understand everything is to forgive everything. There is a reason you're gay. Not everyone can comprehend the particular reason, but if you believe in God, then you must believe that He understands everything in perfect detail.. And going back to my first statement... To understand is to forgive.
  • It states quite clearly in the Bible that homosexual relations is a sin. So if you are a homosexual, as long as you do not participate in homosexual activities, you are ok. There are gay mormons that live a life a celibacy. But of course you can have God in your life. I sin daily, and I still try to follow God and his Son Jesus Christ. Just because you sin doesn't God hates you. He is our loving Heavenly Father no matter what we do.
  • you are gay by nature, and thats how you were intended to be. just continue being a good person :) that's all that matters.
  • Of course it is, he never will move away from us, it will always be us who moves away from him. Would you love your child any less because he was gay? Of course not.
  • Any so called religion that condemns homosexuality has nothing to do with truth or spirituality.
  • It depends on how you mean the question. If you mean can we remain in our sin and be saved, the answer is no, we can't. If you are a gay mormon, do you believe God when He says a man shall not lay with a man as with a woman, it is abomination? If you do, and if you have truly come to Christ, you will filled with the Holy Spirit and God will transform you from a sinner into the man He would have you be. He will make sin become loathsome to you and God's righteousness as the desire of your heart. If you don't have the Holy Spirit, believe me you don't have the discipline or will to stop sinning anymore than I had the will to stop fornicating or buying the latest issue of Playboy's Lingerie magazine. We are only doomed to hell if we reject God's glory, preferring instead the sin that is in our life.
  • It's not your fault you're gay
  • Serve God to the best of your ability, I dont know anything about Mormonism but as long as you pray, go to church, ask Gods forgivness for your enevitable and obvious sins, obey the commandment the best you can, ask for forgivness at any opertunity you can. Jesus is the key. maybe you should change religions, one with more leaniency. Its easy to be forgiven, Jesus is just waiting for you to ask Him!
  • The church asserts that there is a difference in having homosexual tendencies, and acting out on them. For example, sometimes I have a strong urge to whallop my boss, but decorum and a desire to keep my job prevent me from acting on my urges. A Latter-day Saint with a proper view of God's plan for them will have the desire to not act out on urges that they know are against God's will and plan for His children. I met some Mormons on my mission who were practicing homosexuals before they were baptized, and now realized the fallacy of the practice in the eyes of their new-found faith, and abandoned the practice. So, yes, you can still have God in your life.
  • Well... If God refused me for something that made me happy, I would refuse him for not loving me as he should. But that being said, I do believe that if he exists, he only wants you to be happy.
  • A lot of the questions posted so far do not directly answer your question. Let me answer it directly: Yes - it is definitely possible for a gay Mormon to have God in their life! Just see: For the last few months I have been attending meetings once a month for gay Mormons - and I can honestly say that group and in those meetings I feel closer to God than in almost any other church meeting I go to! I am not a homosexual myself, but I wanted to better understand what it is like for gay Mormons - and I keep inviting other friends to come with me and feel the spirit there. I was surprised to find myself totally inspired by those meetings, by so many of my friends who I have met there, by the speeches that are given, by the faithfulness of the gay Mormons to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and by the feeling of acceptance and love that fills the room. If you don't believe me, come to the meetings and see for yourself: The main focus of Mormonism is not on your sexual orientation, it is on your relationship with God and the service you give others. I recently posted a blog entry on what the effect of Mormon beliefs are (for both heterosexuals and homosexuals - who work together to make this world a better place) - What do Mormons believe?:
  • It is entierly possible for a person of any religion to still have their God in their life. Just because the religious majority says so does not mean that it is. God loves everyone equally because he created everyone with equal value.
  • Well my friend. First off you are by no means doomed to hell. Your Heavenly Father loves you more than you could possibly imagine and is very understanding. He's much less judgemental than you might think. People are born everyday with struggles. Some are born paralyzed and others are born with other disorders. Some people are born with much harder tests than others. I believe that being gay is just another test from our Heavenly father. There is no need to find another faith that will accept you for who you are because God does. He always will. His son, Jesus Christ has felt every kind of pain, doubt, uncertainty that you have felt. So have peace in that. If members of the Church don't neccesarily accept you, its because they don't understand. Which you must also keep in mind, that people aren't perfect, but the Church is and our Heavenly father is. If you have a good heart, God will see this and act accordingly. Pray about it and you will see this too.
  • President Gordan b Hinkley once said in the Liahona December 2007 ... the Lord made it clear that unless we develop in our own lives that purity, that lack of guile, that innocence of evil, we cannot enter into His presence. Declared He, “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). i know that he is using this in a reference to children, but, if we are to be like them.. then this pretains to us. I do not judge your actions. And i do hope that my answer to your question does not instil in you hate for what i believe is the truth.
  • The church has made a statement regarding homosexuality. Gay people are expected to stay chaste. It is not impossible, and it must be done. If you do sin, the repentence process is pretty much the same as for a hetero couple who have done things morally unclean. Just because you have feelings towards the same sex doesn't mean you have to act on them, and it's your actions that define what happens to you. Don't think that the lord doesn't understand. People do not choose to be gay.
  • I believe it's all about doing the best we can do. The Lord of all creation knows our hearts and will help us overcome whatever challenges are placed in our path if we just give our best. I'm confident God doesn't want you feeling doomed or condemned. I believe He wants us to understand His love and to come unto Him through Christ.
  • You know, (in response to the mostly anti-organized religion postings) not all Christians are homophobic. And since when do Mormons try to cure homosexuality, or even view it as a disease? I'm personally quite chill about other people- however, due to being Mormon and being faithful, I've got to say that if I somehow ended up gay, I would just suck it up and be celibate, probably just become some sort of businesswoman. No doctrinally correct mormon (I know that some Bishops- not many- have a personal doctrine that they might push, fully thinking it to be "word of God") would say that I had to "Cure that homosexuality, dangit, or you're never getting into heaven. We need to find you a good husband so you can make lots of babies." They would just be happy for my sake that I've chosen celibacy- no one expects you to be able to control those thoughts or feelings (though it's good to try.) I wish that more of these posts would answer the question, which is YES, instead of slamming Mormons unfairly.
  • Apparently all of the religious folk say that you're doomed to Hell but I say, do what you want to be happy as long as it doesn't harm anybody else. If there's a god and that angers it, then the god is not worth your time. Believe me though, there are other options for this question than to have God or be doomed to Hell. How about living a happy fulfilled life?
  • Gay people are not going to hell join whatever religion tickles your fancy
  • You can still have God in your life, but it might not be a good relationship if it is with the christian one. Your mormon friends might disown you. I recommend becoming a Satanist or an atheist if you want to live life and be more at peace. I accept you the way you are.
  • I think most others have already expressed their opinion, so why not me? First of all I do not believe God made anyone Gay, or Lesbian. Something happened in their life that made them have those tendencies. Now can a gay person still have God in their life? That depends on whether we are talking of someone who is actually gay, by living a gay relationship, or if a person considers himself gay because of his thoughts. There is a big difference. A gay person having gay relatinships cannot have any relationship with God, because God cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. And a gay person who just has gay thoughts will also find it difficult to feel any spiritual closeness with God when your thoughts are not clean and pure. You may believe in God and even have faith in Him, and even pray for certain blessings, but He is not obligated in any way to answer you while your thoughts are unclean. To truly have a relationship with God you must ask God to help you remove all unclean thoughts from your mind. And you too must try to control your thinking, "An idle mind is the Devil's workshop." Which will not happen unless you are really sincere. You will show this sincerity by how often you pray for His help. Remember Joseph Smith said "weary the Lord until He blesses you." At this point you only have two alternatives to choose from. 1. Either act upon your tendencies and take what comes from the Lord. 2. Stay alone and miserable for the rest of your live and die unhappy and hope for the best. These two alternatives only come into play, if you choose not to pray for deliverence from your unclean thoughts, which hold you bound to Satan. whew4

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