• I think the best foods that help move food along is fiber! :) Lots of fruits and vegetables namely help because they contain large amounts of fiber. Other whole grains and breads also are good sources of fiber that help; I suggest whole grain bread, oatmeal, and oats: "Dietary fiber is found only in plant foods. Good sources of dietary fiber include whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, fats, oils and sugar contain no dietary fiber. Some of the benefits of dietary fiber are to increase fecal bulk, soften stools, stimulate the healthy movement of foodstuffs through the digestive tract and assist the muscles of the digestive tract. Consuming high fiber foods thus may help prevent and treat constipation. In addition, researchers have shown that dietary fiber can play an important role in the prevention or treatment of various diseases and disorders. These include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, diverticular disease and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as constipation. [Both soluble and insoluble fibers help with constipation.] Good sources of soluble fiber include oats, barley, legumes (dried beans and peas) and some vegetables and fruits. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole grain products (breads, cereals, rice, pasta), nuts, seeds and some vegetables. And here are additional ways to help with constipation: 1. Eat regular meals, allowing time to completely chew food. 2. Drink plenty of non-caffeinated fluids throughout the day. Drink your first fluid upon arising. 3. Incorporate regular exercise on a daily basis. 4. Never neglect the urge to have a bowel movement. It is important to give this immediate attention. [source]
  • Both comments are correct. Too much fiber intake, or, take that back, too much fiber WITH too little water or fluid intake will definitely cause constipation. The key is fiber, enough to satisfy the day's requirements, plus plenty of water, will greatly help to keep our peristalsis functioning.
  • Taco bell. That'll make you poop
  • Try eating certain animal droppings such as, cat poop,dog poop. But only if your dog eats lots of grass and broccoli.Rabbit is good as well.NO bat dung its nasty.Plus theres no light at the end of the tunnel when eating sonar pooh!
  • Drink a lot of water - six to eight 8 oz glasses a day. Eat lots of fruit, especially died fruits like prunes. It may be the subject of jokes, but it really works.
  • Turnip greens and corn bread always do the trick for me.

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